Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this is a pretty name. If you don’t live in Japan people could call her Meg.
Megumi sounds cute and gorgeous. ^__^
Its better to use a Meg name and live in japan than America without worrying the family guy stigma plus this sounds more elegant than plain old meg.
I actually know a girl named Megumi. It fits her very well. I believe her parents chose it because her father spent some time in Japan, and I know they loved the meaning. Megumi doesn't go by any sort of a nickname, which I think is awesome, since it would be very easy for her to just go by Meg, but then she would loose the uniqueness that her name gives her.
Often, people don't like Japanese names because their meanings are hard to guess, compared to the Latin, Greek, or Germanic ones. But this one, is such a beautiful name because, if it wouldn't had said it was Japanese, I would have though it was Latin! Megumi, sounds to me like... Legume. The French word for vegetables. Yes, yes, it looks like Legumi. See? =D This name looks like a Latin one, and it sounds so marvelous! ^_^ The real meaning is beautiful too.
This name's so cuuuute.

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