Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Merlin is a beautiful name. It sounds strong and gentle at the same time, and both classy and modern. I like its meaning: “Sea fortress.” I also think it ages well, as I can picture it on a person of any age. Overall, I think Merlin is a lovely name.
This name conveys great intelligence, wisdom, and dignity. I would love to meet a Merlin in real life. Never seen it used on anyone but the famous wizard.
It sounds like a name for a fish. No offense.
So amazing. Without a doubt one of my favorite boy's names ever!
Some people think that Merlin should be a name for a wizard, but I think not. My dog is called Merlin, and it is true he is 77% strong, and 82% strange. Very true.
It's okay, but sounds too old fashioned.
This name has actually grown on me quite a bit to the point that I think I would use it for a child. It's very unique and there are a lot of worse namesakes than a very powerful, legendary wizard.
I actually know a Merlin, and when I was younger I thought it was so cool that he had the same name as the legendary wizard. Though compared to the tall, mysterious, long white-bearded Merlin usually depicted in the Arthurian tales, the Merlin I know is quite average American looking.
I would never use this name for a kid, but I actually like it. It has a nice sound, especially with a British accent. Merlin the Magician has been portrayed in many ways by many different people in books, television, movies, and even songs. Most recently there is a British TV show about Merlin that takes many liberties with the Arthurian legends, such as making Merlin and Arthur the same age, but is still quite good. In the US it is a summertime series picked up by NBC.
I like it, but it's too tied to King Arthur and Sword and the Stone for me to ever use it.

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