Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hi, I am called Mhairi and I love my name because my name is very original and totally unique, I hope I meet another person named Mhairi because it will be very facinating as I have never met another Mhairi before.
My name is Mhairi (always has been :-) ). I have always liked it. It's unusual and as previouly mentioned, sparks interest and conversation (like having a dog! :-) ). My dad pronounced it Var-ee and insisted it's Gallic. Not Gaelic?! A grand name. So, there you have it. Blessings.
My name is Mhairi and I like the name, because it's quite rare and a real native Scottish name, and there are no celebrities called Mhairi! Fingers crossed. I think it has character and I always get a good reception from the curiosity of tourists or anyone unfamiliar with Scottish culture. I enjoy explaining the origins. When that folk song "Mhairi's wedding" is on the radio or in a public setting, it always makes me self conscious! Straight forward and genuine.

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