Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly, it rhymes with the B word.
I find this nickname so ugly, no offense.
I guess this name should be unisex, because I met a sister from the partner of my sister. Her name is Michaela, nicknamed "Mitch". And I couldn't get enough of it, because I like the sound of that.
A crisp and simple nickname that's very age-neutral with barely any major associations yet. I like it.
Despite rhyming with the b-word, I still think this name is an energetic and strong name. Mitchell, its full form, is good too, but the -ell is sorta extra. At least this name sounds somewhat more unique than Mike or Mick!
Continuing my previous comment: My English name is Mitchell, but I go normally go by Mitch (I respond to both). Nowadays most Mitchells go by the full form, so going by Mitch would be refreshing. Sure this name rhymes with the b-word, but no one has yet picked on my name. Mitch is a nickname that ages well, it's not too youthful, like Tommy, or too old-fashioned, like Gertie. Mitch also fits many kinds of people: a sport-loving kid, a goofy teen, a business man, or a professor. Also, one of the namesakes is Hurricane Mitch of 1998, which was a category 5 hurricane, and that adds some awesomeness to the name since I normally like names that were used on tropical cyclones. (kinda weird but that's just me).
I hate the sound of this name. Let's just say that it doesn't rhyme with very nice words.
I love the name Mitch. At first hearing it seemed like a name one would hear on soapies, almost as if it is a nickname. But after knowing a Mitch and hearing the name often it gives a swarv, boisterous and sweet impression of the bearer. It also carries well through childhood and into becoming an adult. It is simple and yet not common which is rare! Thumbs up for Mitch!
This name rhymes with a word you are not supposed to know. HA.

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