Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It just sounds harsh like its cousin Monica.
It's a really cool name.
I know someone with this name, although she pronounces it mo-nee-kee. I have no idea where that pronunciation came from. It is a nice name, though, when actually pronounced mo-neek.
This is quite a beautiful name to me, especially when pronounced mo-NEEK.
Sounds "unique"! Monique is unique!
This name seems about as unusual as my own name, Monica, and yet, both names are classic and recognized immediately by anyone who hears them, so plus plus right there. I'm surprised to read here that some Moniques have been called Monica. I never get called Monique. That would be weird. I've always had Monique on my short list in case I have a daughter. I might use it as a middle name.
This name is seriously hot.
Not terrible, but I personally don't like it. Everyone has opinions and is entitled to express them.
It’s okay but I don’t like the NEEK pronunciation.
I’d pronounce it like Monica but without the ‘a’.
I don't like it...
Beautiful and refined. I prefer this to Monica, which seems slightly snobby to me and there's just something about it I don't like. How in the world does this name sound "low-class" and "ghetto"?
If you want to name your kid Unique, give them this name instead.
It's one of those all rounder names that are never too popular and never too outdated. I really like this name and although everyone knows it, it has a very differentiating sound.
My name is Monique and I love my it, and for the people who think that my name is "ugly" or "ghetto" or even low class, who are you to call someone's name that isn't even yours ugly? A name shouldn't represent someone and or their personality, there is so much more to a person then simply their name. You shouldn't deter from liking someone because their name reminds you of someone.
Some of these people with the negative comments have obviously allowed the personality or behavior of someone named Monique to alter their perception of the name. A person's name doesn't determine their behavior and vice versa. I don't really see how a name that has a history, an origin, and a meaning could possibly be "ghetto" or "low class". Someone's comment even says it seems like a name of some black girl that would say "Oh no you didn't". Seriously? That had to be the most ignorant comment I've seen. This name, my name, is lovely. I really don't see how a name of French origin which generally means wise is ghetto or low class but hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I like this name because it rhymes with unique... it reminds me of a somewhat whimsical girl, she loves daydreaming and has a head full of strange (in a good way) ideas :)
I quite liked it until I read anonymous users reasons why her name is so flippin' awesome. Now I find it an annoying name.
Sounds like the name of some sassy black woman who always snaps her fingers and says "OH NO YOU DI-INT!"
My mother was going to name me Stephanie, but my cousin begged her to give me the name Monique. I absolutely love my name. I love the way my lips form when pronouncing the first part "Mo" it's like blowing kisses at people.
The thing that irritates me most about my name is when people call me Monica... it's a completely different name.
I love my name. I've never felt "low-class" or any or those terrible things. A name shouldn't represent you and who you are. It's just a label. And I like mine. Though I'm not French (3/4 Spanish and 1/4 white) I admire the name. And everyone says my name different so it doesn't matter to me. Just one hint: don't call a Monique a Monica. They are two totally different names.
Wow, I can't believe people have such horrible unhelpful opinions about this name. Ugly? Low Class? Annoying? Saint Monique / Monica - was the mother of St. Augustine. She was a woman of virtue - she endured adultery.
Santa Monica CA is named after her."Monique" is not English name - it is the French version of the name. Monica IS the Spanish version of Monique. It is of mediterranean origin - sources here claim greek, Latin - but it was also used in North Africa (Monnica), therefore mediterranean seems appropriate. My source ~ My name is Monique. I am descended from women with variants of the same name: Mona, Monique, Niki, Monet, Monica... so I've done my research.So you see - it is anything BUT low class and only the unsophisticated would find it annoying, and the ignorant ugly.
My middle name is Monique and I always hated it as I child because I thought it was ugly. But when I learned it was French I started to like it more; it's actually quite beautiful. I pronounce it MO-Neek not Mah-nick.
Your child will be a neek (basically a geek).
I have a special affinity for this name but I am biased since it happens to be my name. My Mother always loved all things French and she thought the sound of my name was as beautiful as a field of sweet lavender covering a provencal countryside. A word of warning however, give your child this name and they may have an unrealistic love for France also. This is what happened to me. I grew up believing as my Mother that France was the height of greatness. I took French in school, loved watching French films and only wanted French perfume. Alas when I was a teenager I met a much older French man and believed he and I were meant to be. I with my French name and he with his Frenchness. I travelled with him to France and was smitten. I even gave birth to our daughter who I also gave a French name. Everything was great except my French love lacked the one thing that was essential over a sweet sounding name, character. He has abandoned his daughter and fled to France where he is jobless and doesn't pay child support. I still like my name, but under no illusion of the superiority of anything French.
Yuck. Ugly and pretentious. I don't even particularly like Monica, but it's much better than Monique.
This name is nice, but it seems to have been turned into a low-class name.
I honestly think Monique is a rather ugly name. I'm sorry and no offense to people with that name. It just reminds me of a mean girl or some fake supermodel with an attitude problem.
This is a very cute and beautiful name.
I love this name. This is for beautiful girls only. If I had a chance to change my name I will choose this name.
I have a friend named Monique. I just love her name.
As for nicknames it can be Neeki, Mona, Kiki, Nicky or just Monny - though I don't see why you'd want to shorten it. I hate it when people spell it the French way but say it in another way. MO-neek. Not Mawn-NEEK or Mon-ee-kee.

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