Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love it. The Biblical character was a good guy. Would pair well with Malachi for twin boys.
It's funny how this name is more associated with an anthropomorphic blue jay than the bible character.
Oh. I have always thought this was a made up name from 'Regular Show'... Well, I'm sorry lol.
Sounds handsome, but.. it’s fine.
I personally love this name. Since I was born with it, that's a good thing. The reason it is used as a name for baby boys is it was tradition in earlier times and sometimes now, to give the first born son the mother's maiden name as a first name to carry on the mothers name. This insured that the name didn't die with the mother's father if there were no sons born to him. I almost gave it to my son, but I had a lot of brothers to carry the name, so I didn't.
I actually really like this name! It makes me think about Mordechai Anielewicz.❤❤❤.
MORDECAI is a cool name that I could actually give to my son. It has some kind of dominion with it, all the Mordecais I know are cool.
Sounds like "mortify". Both creepy and cool.
I think it's a cool name because it sounds like it came straight out of a fantasy book or game. It's also unique-sounding. I don't know anybody personally with this name, but there is a character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance named Mordecai.
Actually, I had no idea this was a first name. I've seen it as a surname, but not a first name.
I think it's a wonderful and very strong name. And if you're using it on a pet, it would fit on a large black dog or some kind of larger bird, like the falcon in the Royal Tenenbuams.
For some reason, I really like the name Mordecai. It kind of sounds like the name of some ancient warrior or something.
I have no idea why you would use a name with the etymological element for death beginning it.
The beginning of this name makes me think of a morgue. It's still an awesome name though.
I don't know why, but this name somehow sounds very 'evil' to me. It doesn't give the impression of a nice person.

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