Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I actually find this name to be very nice. The backstory behind it is very interesting. I like that it's pronounced Mor-ree-un, I always thought it was Mor-ree-gun until now.
There is some disagreement over the meaning of the Morr¨ªgan's name. It can be straightforwardly interpreted as "great queen" (Old Irish m¨®r, great;[1] r¨ªgan, queen, [2] deriving from a hypothetical Proto-Celtic *M¨¡ra R¨©gan¨©-s.[3] However it often lacks the diacritic over the o in the texts. Alternatively, mor (without diacritic) may derive from an Indo-European root connoting terror or monstrousness, cognate with the Old English maere (which survives in the modern English word "nightmare") and the Scandinavian mara.[4] This can be reconstructed in Proto-Celtic as *Moro-r¨©gan¨©-s.[5] Current scholarship mostly holds to Morr¨ªgan being the older, more accurate form. The use of the term Queen could be misleading and her name could mean great hight or great power, understood in terms of a Druidess.(Wikipedia)

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