Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I do enjoy this website, but it quite clearly appears to have an antipathy to the inerrant and infallible word of God. The meaning provided in Scripture is correct, as it is Scripture. It is not an "invented etymology". Do not call the LORD God Almighty a liar.
BtN doesn't seem to understand the richness and complexity of ancient languages, particularly Hebrew. Why can't the name Moses mean "son," "deliver," and "drawn"? All of these meanings are perfect for him. He was the son of a Levite and the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He was the deliverer. And he was drawn from the water and drawn to the God of his ancestors to become the deliverer. It seems to me that every meaning behind his name is completely accurate and appropriate. The Biblical etymology is not "invented."
Anyway, Moses comes from the Hebrew mashah, which means "to draw." This is probably an Egyptian verb, given its relationship to an Egyptian name. Hebrew is primarily a Chaldean-Phoenician hybrid, but it has some Egyptian influences (possibly including the name Aaron).
In Ancient Egyptian, it translates as "he is born".
Moses means Baby drawn out of the Water. In the book of Genesis, Pharaoh's wife finds a baby in a basket in the water, she adopts him and names him Moses. He led the Isrealites across the Red Sea. This is a very Biblical name!
Moses was adopted by the daughter of Pharoah not his wife.

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