Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like a man you wouldn't want to run into at night! :s
Sounds like it would belong to a psychopath, serial killer, mob type.
I've come across two guys with this name and they weren't anything like a "psychopath" or "serial killer" the user ThatMazerunnerfan thinks about the type of person this name sounds like it belongs to. The pronunciation stated on BtN says this name is pronounced "moos-TAH-fah" but both Mustafa's I knew pronounced their name as "Mus-staff-fə". I'm not really a huge fan of this name. I don't dislike the name, I just don't personally care for it. It's such a common, typical Arabic name that I can't help but see it as a little bit boring. (I know I sound like a hypocrite here. I actually have no problem with certain common names e.g. Michael that many may say is boring also but for some reason there are some popular names that you get tired of hearing of more so than other popular names.) The name Mustafa is an elegant, classic Arabic name though, I can admit. I wouldn't ever in the future if I had a son, name my child Mustafa but the name itself isn't outrageously bad.
It sounds too much like Mufasa, you know from the movie Lion King. Unsuitable for an American child.
I never encountered anyone named Mustafa until a few years ago when I started going to a diner where a lot of Turkish people work. There must have been about three or four named Mustafa. That was my first experience with that name but I don't like the sound of it.

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