Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Am I the only one who thought of the Project Nemesis books? I find this name to be very interesting too, I could never see myself naming someone Nemesis, but for book characters and such, this would be VERY interesting to read.
There's something about this name I really like, it's very cool. I would never use it though.
I really love this name and wish I could use it for a character, but I think everyone else to ever write a story had the same impression because it has become so incredibly cliche. It almost makes me a little sad! Lol.
"Righteous anger"? I don't like the sound of that.
Should stay only as a name of a Greek goddess. Imagine naming an actual child Nemesis...
It's a cool name, but I could NEVER bring myself to name someone Nemesis.
This actually sounds really cool, but you'd never be able to use it, sadly.
Evil Arch Nemesis! Beautiful without meanings.
As much as I like this name, I think it would be a little weird to name a child Nemesis.
Due to the word meaning "enemy", Nemesis sounds just wrong as a name and will lead to teasing. I prefer the similar-sounding name Nemesia, which exists in other languages and is derived from Nemesis, but even that wouldn't work in an English-speaking state!
I actually really want to name my daughter this name. I think it sounds really pretty, the original goddess sounds very interesting, and, oddly enough, it's one of the only names that me and my boyfriend agree on.
Seeing as this is a literary word for 'enemy', it doesn't strike me as a very nice thing to name your daughter. It sounds far too ''out there'' anyway.

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