Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is pretty and I love Christmas soooo.
I completely disagree with this being listed as a masculine name. Noel without the umlaut would be the male name pronounced as "knoll," but "no-el" sounds feminine to me. I've never really liked using "Noelle" for girls; the umlaut separates the vowel sounds into two syllables, so it's just unnecessary to add extra letters to feminize the name. I love Noel (with the dots!) for girls.
Merry Christmas! (Christmas Eve)! It's an okay name, but only for kids born on or around Christmas. Otherwise, it's kind of tacky.
Noel is exclusively a male's name. The females can be Noelle or Noelia.
I think it is said NOLL, like Joel, but some people can say it like No-elle. It works either way... as long as you correct them if you're a guy.

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