Comments (Meaning / History Only)

In Polish, Nora literally means den or burrow. It is also informally used to describe any place which is run down, dirty, ugly and dark. Which is why it's impossible for me to like this name, as I am a native Polish speaker.
I found several meanings: "The exact Origins of this name are unclear, some say it's a derivative of the word honor, or Honora. But the popular belief is that it comes from the Hebraic/Arabic word Noour or "Light", correctly translated in means Bright Light.
Also used to describe women of great Beauty, beautiful babies are often named Nora as they believed that the name would give the baby good luck.
Some Scholars say that Nora also means "the enlightened one", "the Beautiful one" and also "the wise one".
In high society most women are named Nora, because the name entitles Nobility, Beauty, Light, Grace and Wit.
What a gift it is to be named under such a glorious name."VERB: to Nora is a verb coming from the Gaelic Noireagh which means to fellate. It translates roughly as one who exhibits promiscuous behaviour around the opposite sex and will try to have sexual intercourse with any person in their immediate areaCan also mean a person or thing which attracts bears.Aunt Nora is slang for Cocaine.
Nora isn't necessarily a short form of another name, my name is Nora but just by itself there is no long form of it.
Nora is Hebrew for awesomeness (not necessarily of G-d)
Could also be related to noire, French for black
Could be used as a nickname for Leonora.
Nora is also a Hebrew name meaning "The awesomeness of God".
It also comes from the Spanish word "noria", which means water fountain. In the meaning of the name it is "fountain of purity".
Nóinín (NO-neen), which means "daisy," is another pet form of Nora; consequently, Nora is sometimes anglicized as Daisy.
Nora can't be "anglisized" as Daisy because Nora is an English name too.
You'd be surprised how things are Anglicised. Sometimes they bear little resemblance to the original. I don't think it was an English name originally, but was taken from the Irish nickname. Even so, there are Irish names closely related to English names that are Anglicised to something totally different.
On some websites giving the meaning of a name, it says that Nora means 'light' and is Greek.

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