Comments (Meaning / History Only)

The meaning of "rage, frenzy" seems to connect Odin to the Berserker warriors who fought in an uncontrollable trance-like fury.Odin was connected to the Roman god Mercury by Roman writers such as Tacitus.He also has significant parallels with the Celtic god Lugus.The Christianisation of Scandinavia was slow, and stories of and even belief in Odin persisted in popular folklore at least until the 19th century.According to folklore, he is the leader of The Wild Hunt - an ancient European folk myth of phantasmal hunters in mad pursuit across the sky or just above the ground.Santa Claus is largely based on Odin, merged with the Christian legends of St Nicholas, bishop of Myra. Odin was long connected with the winter solstice celebration of Yule, which later merged with Christmas. Odin is a great name, very strong and masculine, with great mythic resonance.
This name derives form the Slavic word for one (eden/odin). As highest ranking god he is "The One [and only]" supreme god.

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