Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The first thing I thought was pancreas.
It just sounds like pancreas and the words probably aren't related.
Um, sounds like pancreas, doesn't it? Weird to name your child an organ.
I don't mean to complain or anything, but how the heck does a "name" like this, which is so obviously archaic (and we're talking a few thousand years here, not your grandma's generation) and universally distasteful to anglophone sensibilities, make it into the main database when perfectly acceptable and lovely names such as "Mannis" languish unrated, uncommented upon and hard to get to on the user submitted lists? Ugh! What a horrific entry! Latrina is on the main database too. Holy cow!
Because this is an ETYMOLOGICAL site with names and meanings from all over the world. It's not a site made for American parents-to-be.
Will probably remind most people of 'pancreas'.
Yea it sure reminds me of pancreas!
Ding-ding-ding, you are correct! ;]

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