Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Pandora Gibson-Gomez (born 1941) was a Bahamian comedian and storyteller known for her imitation of the Eleuthera dialect.
Pandora radio.
A character on 'American Dad' has this name, but she's a minor character, only showed a few times.And I know I'm not a 'famous bearer' but I also have this name.
Pandora Moon is a character from the British teen drama Skins, and is sometimes called 'Panda' as a nickname.
A famous bearer of this name is the English actress Pandora Clifford. :)
Technically not a 'famous bearer' but Pandora is the fictional land where James Cameron set Avatar. It is very beautiful, but toxic to humans. =D
Is instantly recognizable as the name of one of the main characters in Sue Townsend's Adrian Mole books. Pandora is Adrian's enduring and unattainable love interest, she is highly intelligent and politically minded. Adrian liked to call her Pan as a diminutive, her full name was actually Pandora Louise Elizabeth Braithwaite.
This is the name of one of the twins in a book called Gemini by whom I can't remember. Her twin brother was named Peter. Haha.
There is a Madina Lake song called Pandora.
Adrian Mole, in the Sue Townsend books, is deeply smitten by Pandora, but nothing good comes of it in the long run. This has more to do with the character of Adrian than the meaning of the name, though she certainly represented "all gifts" to him.
Pandora was also the name of a vampire featured in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles.
There is an Anne Rice vampire named Pandora.

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