Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Dreams are stirring from their long repose... a cloudy day, the smell of rain, a bird who chirps freely without minding who hears. Peregrine is a free spirit, a lover of the arts and an open-minded individual. It's not ugly or pretentious, simply a forgotten drop of water in the sea of names. It's truly a masterpiece, and there is no convincing me otherwise.
This is a girl's name!
I love this name! It's so cute, but strong at the same time. Definitely a top contender for if I ever have a son!
It doesn't sound like a name for a human.
I think of the bird.
Love the meaning and history, but it is a species of birds.
I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and Pippin is my favorite character. Peregrin is pronounced: Pair-a-grin, and Peregrine is pronounced either Pair-a-grin or Pair-a-green. I prefer the latter, and I like it better as a girl's name. Nicknames include: Pippin/Pip, Perry/i, Rin, or Percy.
I think this is my new favourite name! Both regal sounding and wild and a little quirky somehow. I think both of a pilgrim and a falcon. Unfortunately if I have a son, I can't name him that because no one in Sweden would be able to pronounce it correctly. Perhaps as a middle name, then.
For some reason I really like this name for a girl, but not really for a boy. It seems strong and wild but more feminine. But I don't really know what a good nickname would be.
It's not all that bad, actually. It sounds mature, even if a bit old-fashioned, and you can always call the boy Perry.
I really adore this name! It is so regal sounding! And plus, Pippin is my hero from the Lord of the Rings!
As a once-devoted Animorphs fanatic, when I hear this name, I think of a bird, a falcon. I would never name a child after a bird. Or a hobbit, come to think of it.
I adore this name! It has such a beautiful meaning. I think Peregrine would be a nice name for both a boy or a girl; it's not too masculine or too feminine. Peregrine is a strong, mysterious, intriguing name. One thing I have wondered, though, is what pronunciation is more common - "Per-e-grin" or "Per-e-green." I personally like the former better.

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