
Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Everyone in the comment section is being ignorant and somewhat racist. This name was used for centuries and was seen as normal. There is a Greenlandic syllabary so it would be easier for a kid to write their name. Also, if you have trouble pronouncing the name, then deal with it. The Native people have every right and reason to reclaim their names and wont stop for you.
Looks like you smashed your keyboard.
I love this name (banner included), but there’s just one problem…how exactly do you pronounce it?
The banner is really cool, but isn't a 2 yr old gonna have a lot of trouble both saying AND writing this name?
I like how it sounds.Offtopic, but the banner looks nice.
I like how it sounds.
If I saw someone with this name I would laugh.
Lilting and beautiful.
Personally, I love this name! It is unique and lovely. I am not from Greenland, but I still think it is darling. Maybe Piqu (pee-coo) for a nickname?
I cannot imagine how one would pronounce this name. Surely any poor child would spend months of their life (say, 5 minutes each time asked) telling people how to say it. Honestly, and teachers think "Lucrecia" is a difficult one to say.
What a strange name.

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