Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer Rosie.
I don't see anyone complaining about similar names like Rosie, Josie, Daisy, Lucie, Molly or Poppy, and yet everyone is saying Posie is too childish? I think it's cute and could suit someone of any age if it fits the bearer right, although it might be best as a nickname. Either way, I think it's a nice name.
Very weird. I also can’t picture this name on anyone over the age of 10.
Idk I think the name is super cute. Everyone saying it is too "cutesy"... really? It falls into the same category as Molly, Daisy, Lily, and Rose. Yet, I hear no one complain about those? Weird. I think this name is adorable!
I just heard this recently. My first thought was “who could do this to a child?!”. It’s not awful, I guess. I think Poppy is by far worse!
Only use on pets.
I think this is better as a nickname :)
It looks badly misspelled and is associated with youtubers which is rarely a good thing. Avoid Posie.Posy is nice and spelled like the word which gives it more of a meaning.
Posy is a full English word name, just like Lily, Ivy or Ruby. I don't think it sounds anymore childish than those other names. It's perfectly fine on its ownBut I wouldn't change the spelling to Posie. Either Posy, like the word, or if you want to use it as a surname name use Posey.Posie doesn't work for me.
I heavily prefer Rosie.
Sounds so childish.
VERY childish. Can't imagine this on an adult or old lady.
To be honest, Posie is the type of name that sounds cute on a toddler, but terrible on a child/teenager. What makes me even more MORE upset about this name, is that that poor child named Posie LaBrant is literally being exploited by her parents. And honestly? I hope they get called out on it.
The name is cute and whatever, but it definitely won’t age well. I honestly can’t imagine a teenager or adult named Posie. No thank you.
Ring around the Rosie,
A pocket full of Posies,
Ashes, Ashes,
We all fall down.
*Insert Creepy Little Girl Laugh*Yeah, this isn't cutting it for me...
Sounds so juvenile.
Ugly and childish.
It’s cute but it puts me off because it sounds like she poses a lot. It is a cute kids' name but I can’t imagine an adult called Posie.
This name is horrible. It is so childish and stupid. "Possiieee"... It sounds like Pussy... and how would the name Posie look on a job application when she is older? Do your daughter a favor, don't name her this.
Posie (as well as Posy and Posey) belong to a line of delicate, old-fashioned flower names that I'm very fond of (like Clover, Poppy, and Marigold). Though I think Posie sounds too childish to be a full name, I like it as a nickname for Josephine.
What a childish name.
Cole and Sav (Youtubers) just named their baby Posie Rayne. Their baby is adorable I feel the name is cute and would have a cute personality.
Definitely utter redneck trash.
I, for some reason, prefer Posie over Posy. I like both though. Posy I like as a nickname for Josephine while I like Posie as a name in its own right.
This name sounds too flowery and childish.
Always reminds me of that rhyme:
Ring a ring a roses
a pocket full of posies
etc, etc.

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