Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like the fantasy feel to this name, so much that I now use it for a character of mine.
It's okay for a fantasy character or a pet but I wouldn't use it on a child.It sort of sounds like you are trying to say "f#ck" with a mouth full of popcorn or something :(
Ew! Sounds like "puke".
It sounds like punk.
Doesn’t remind me of a swear word. Only ice hockey. But this is a common name in some countries.
What? How could it possibly be used for a girl?
Bizarre name for a person, but I think it would sound good on a male dog.
This would make a better nickname than an actual name.
I think of the goofy flying elf from Berserk, particularly in his chibi chestnut form.
Uh... honestly, I hope no native English speaker is named this. Because if you change the 'p' to an 'f', you get one of the most vulgar words in the English language, which is so notorious in global pop culture (given the English language's pervasiveness) that I'm sure non-Anglophones are aware of it as well. I'm honestly surprised at the name's apparent popularity in the Netherlands. I hope the bearers don't run into any problems because of their name.
This name is kinda cool and all, but in America I think the kid would be teased about the whole "hockey puck" thing. I can also think of a rhyme someone might use. But I will say that this name is cool!
The only reason I like this name is because I love hockey.
This name just sounds stupid.
My mother sometimes calls me this as a nickname. I had no idea it was actually a name. I would never give this as a name to a child because I think it sounds a bit childish but I like the meaning of devil. :P

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