Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ra, Ra, Rasputin, Russia’s greatest love machine!
I love it!
Gives a sun vibe to it!
Beautiful meaning! The only thing I don't like about the name is that it's really short, but I think the shortness gives it character.
Ra is a pretty cool god. If you are going to use this on a child, probably best as a middle.
Too short for my liking.
I love this most holy and powerful name. Think about it! Ra, as the sun god, has supported and maintained life throughout the millennia. Since time immemorial. This is a super heavy name. Truly splendid.
Why does everyone hate this name? I like it.
Why so baby oriented? My interest is connection across race to the variant of ram ie. Ra Norman Ramos Roman Amos etcetera.
Ra, Ra, Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen!
This isn't a baby name website. The entire purpose is to show where the names came from. Here, it was from a god. Nobody uses this name anymore.
This name would be badass on a kid.
I would never consider giving this name to a child. It is a name of the Egyptian sun god, and the name isn't that nice at all.
Jeez, I'd feel sorry for the kid whose imbecile parents decided to call them this. Ignorant fools.
Come on now, why would any sane person name their son after a sun god that has this strange-sounding one-syllable name that sounds like someone growling on a bad day or hurting themselves?
I love this name. Most people are not a fan of the name but I love this name. Some say that this name is for a dog but I feel that the name is not.

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