Comments (Pronunciation Only)

As an archaic, Biblical Polish name, Rachel is pronounced RAH-hel.
Sort of pronounced like Raphael in Dutch.
Someone mentioned Rachel sounds like "rage hell" which made me bust out laughing and give myself an awesome username. As a Rachel, I have never heard anyone pronounce the "chel" part of my name to rhyme with hell. It is possible that certain accents might pronounce it that way.
This is also the Dutch spelling of the name and it is traditionally pronounced RHAW-khəl, though these days people often use the English or French pronunciation because the Dutch one is so awful. [noted -ed]
This name is also used in the Netherlands, but the pronunciation is hard to explain. I guess it's a bit like "rah-GHEL", but with a very guttural gh sound. Almost like a growl, a sound that is common in the Dutch language but few English-speaking people can properly pronounce.
Czech, German and Slovak pronunciation "rah-chel" with ´ch´ like Bach.
In another languages pronounce like "rah-khel".
Pronounced as "Ra-KHEL".
Er. No it isn't. That's Raquel.

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