Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Renea, I have met only one other person in my 49 years that spells it the same as I do. Often mispronounced Ray na. My middle name is Louise which goes quite nicely with Renea. I like my name because it is not a common name. Rarely is there ever more than one Renea in a classroom or work setting, in fact I have never had another Renea of any spelling in the same classroom or office setting. Renea, spelled in any variation is a beautifully unusual and unique name.
This is my name. If you live in a primarily English speaking country, it can be difficult to fill out online forms properly, as many sites do not allow accents. I have been addressed as RenAQe by automated systems more times than I can count. Parents in the USA/UK/AUS naming their daughter Renée should write Renee (no accent) on the birth certificate to make their daughter's life easier down the road (trust me). Québec allows accents, but the rest of Canadian bureaucracy is hit or miss. If you live in a heavily Spanish speaking area, the masculine René is far more common than the feminine, so you may find that people feel you have a masculine sounding name. No matter where you live (outside of a French speaking area), people will always misspell Renée as Rene and Reneé, sometimes even Renay. I even got Ruhnae once (creative!). Overall, I love having the name Renée because it is uncommon but familiar and has been in my family for generations. I am giving it to my daughter for her middle name.
Very pretty.Like a lot of French names, adding an E feminizes it. For example, Jean and Jeanne, François and Françoise, Joseph and Josèphe, etc. It sounds better then Renata to me, though I like both.
Renée is a very pretty name for a girl.
A pretty and rather unusual name.
My name is Renée and I don't have a problem with it... I like it because it it different from the others even though people pronounce it incorrectly at times, but regardless of that Renée is who I am and I won't change it.
This is my name. I don't mind it. In high school I wished I was a Nicole or Sarah, but now I enjoy not knowing many others. I get a lot of people (older) singing 'Just Walk Away Renee' to me. I'm from a place with a french-Canadian population so I have people trying to speak French to me when they see / hear my name. I have to explain I only know a little, but my mother's family is French. More than once, the reaction to this has been disappointment. People always drop the accent eigu and yes, mispronounce it. But it's easy enough to correct. I do like the meaning.
My name is spelled Rena but it is pronounced Renee... I love the way my name is spelled... But people call me Ree -Nah instead of Renee (Rena)... to me my Renee looks like it says Ree- knee... However you spell it I absolutely love our name!
Being that this is my name, I can say that it's definitely underused in America. Everyone omits the accent mark and I can't get it through to people that René is male and Renée is female. It was even printed on my diploma as Rénee instead of Renée. A lot of people aren't sure how to pronounce it correctly. I get Ren-ee and Reen-ee a lot. Once the bakery messed up on my birthday cake and put Rena. My former supervisor continually spelled it Renae for five years. I know it's not spelled anything like it sounds, but still, it's not a complicated name.
Not many people understand that Renee is the feminine form, and Rene is the masculine. Funny thing is, my grandparents (who are French) are Renee and Rene!
I really love this name, it's so pretty~ I've heard it more commonly as a middle name but I think it works well for a first name as well.
My middle name is Renee! I know it's kind of common, but I don't really think that matters much. It's also a very pretty first name :)
Anything other than RENÉE is simply a modern botched spelling and most "new" spellings should hardly be pronounced like RENÉE.
This is my name! I love it! It's pretty and strong and I love it as my name! I like it with the accent above the first 'e', but my name doesn't have it. :( I still love my name though!
I think this name is kind of cool - I like the accent mark above the first E. It's a common middle name, too.
Renee is an name that I always loved. I see it as a feminine & pretty name. It is my middle name (which I like better than my first name). However, my spelling is Renay. A French woman gave this spelling to my dad prior to my being born and he liked her spelling.
I think this is a truly beautiful name. In Denmark we do not have the female version of this name (i.e. 'Renee') only René - which is a boy's name. I think it's a shame actually because I really like this name for a woman, not for a man. I love the meaning. I picture 'Renee' as a strong, confident, smart, beautiful woman with a big heart.
Renee is a great name. One of my best friends is called Renee. I don't know why I like it, I just like the sound of it. It sounds a little bit tough, but feminine at the same time.
My middle name is Renay. I love this spelling. I also like Renae. I don't like the Renee spelling. Blah!
I think that this name is awesome except when people spell it Renee instead of Renée. (PS to type é hold down alt, type 130 quickly, and let go of alt)
I know how to make an e with an accent (and I'm sure I'm not the only one). It's just that in Dutch, the -ee sound is already pronounced in the right way without the accent while in French, the accent is necessary. So I guess you could say that the way my name is spelled (Renee) is the Dutch spelling of Renée. Sometimes I wish my parents hadn't been so stubborn and had just given me the original spelling so that I wouldn't constantly have to correct people. But still, I've seen far worse spellings on this site and despite everything, I really like my name.
Well, Renee06, I think that that's cool then, because I don't know any Dutch and that is very interesting. I just said that because in America, many goofy people decide to Anglicise every freakin name, rip off all the accents, and basically say that when spelled correctly, sounds exotic and weird. I just prefer it when people spell it original and keep it easy so there isn't so much confusion.
I agree with you on that. I hate it when people add letters or replace them with others just because they sound the same. It confuses people about the right spelling and forces those poor kids to spell their names all the time. I think my name is different though because in my country, it is considered to be the Dutch spelling. We use René or Rene for boys and Renée or Renee for girls. My parents are kind of no-nonsense people so they didn't bother adding the accent. I would say that's a different thing than just changing the spelling for the heck if it.
I am of Mexican decent, all of my family disapproved of my naming my daughter Renee, because to Mexicans it is commonly used as a males name only. BUT the male version is spelled Rene.
Renee is my middle name too. I think that if I have another daughter I will give her Renee as a middle name. I like it!
I like this name a lot. One of my closest friends is named Renee and she's a great girl. I think the name is lovely and classic and not one of those names that only stays suitable for one period in time.
My sister's name is Renee. I think it's such a cute name. I would give my child that as a middle name. I love the name.
This is my first name. It can be very annoying because people sometimes think I'm a boy when they read it, they spell it wrong (in my case it's spelled Renee) and it rhymes with a lot of things. (I'm Dutch and the ee-sound is pretty common in Dutch) I used to think it was a boring and short name, but it has grown on me, I like it now.
For the longest time when ever I saw this name for some reason I thought it was "re-knee" until I met my friend, whose name is Renee and it does not fit her at all. It kinda sounds exotic and she's as plain as bread and butter. But overall I think it's a good name.
Makes a great middle name.

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