Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I do love this name. I would prefer as middle name though but it's still gorgeous.
This is what I changed my name to because my parents gave me an ugly old lady name (they named me Eleanor which I just hated) and I'm so glad I did it.
It's alright, but without the accent, I feel a strong urge to pronounce it as ra-NEE.
Beautiful name, so unique, favourite name of all time.
This is cute! I really like it as a middle name for example Elodie Renee is cute.
Just use Rene please. I don't like the extra "e".
My parents considered the name Renee. I really wish they had followed through and given me this name. It's such a beautiful sounding name.
This is my name, I loved being the only Renee I knew. I’ve only met one other so far! I do get it pronounced Ree-Knee or Ren-E all the time but it never bothered me.
I prefer Reneé.
Renee is my middle name and I go by my middle name. I have come to find out that many of my cousins -I have never met- have Renee as a middle name. I also teach, and in 20 years I have never taught anyone who went by Renee. I am sure it could have been middle names- I have only worked or met three others named Renee and the spelling was different. Rene, Renea, and Renee with an accent on the first E and one on the second E. My accent mark is on the second E. I think my mom made an error, but my accent mark stands on the second E on my birth certificate.
I absolutely love this name. I love it as a middle name. Nicole Renee is my favorite.
Pretty name. I’m not a fan of exotic sounding vowels but I like this one.
This is the name of my friend. It is so pretty and pretty uncommon, though I am hearing it more often! I love the way it sounds and its meaning as well.
Goes well with a lot of first names.
It is a common practice in my family to have a mother and a daughter share a middle name or a middle name that is close enough to the mother's middle name to be counted as similar.Since my mother's name is Rene, I was given Renee -- I absolutely adore my middle name.My family often joke about the name pair because of the fact that it means "reborn" and/or "born again" and, well, my mother and I can't exactly blame them since I do tend to act like my mother's Mini Me from time-to-time.
Renee happens to be my older sister's name. She never cared for it but I on the other hand never minded it. It's a very decent, practical and tolerable name in my opinion.
This is my bff's middle name, and I love it! She told me how to pronounce it and wasn't angry at all that I didn't know. But now, I just love to say it! Renee! This will be my daughter's middle or even first name. I shall tell her that she was named after aunt sarah!
Pretty and feminine and strong! I don't hate it. My cousin has this as her middle name and named her daughter Renee. It's nice! And not too common. And has that French appeal.
This would be a great middle name for a baby named after a deceased relative, as it ultimately comes from the Latin Renatus, meaning "born again" :)
I love my middle name! (Renee) It sounds so elegant :)
It's a beautiful name that has never been overused, at least not in the USA (not sure about France). But trust me, it's not always an easy name to live with. People spell it wrong on a daily basis. A lot of people don't even know how to pronounce it when they see it written out. But the worst thing is RENE... That is for the male spelling. Hate to burst bubbles but it's true.Various misspellings I have encountered:
Reene, which shouldn't be pronounced like Renee
Rena, Renea, Renae, Rennee, Renne, Rene, Reena, Reenae. They are all wrong. Most of those are different names all together!
I like this name as a first or a middle. It's so classic and has a nice sound.

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