Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If you want a diminutive for Robert just go with: Robbie, Bob, even Bobbie, just anything but Rob! Rob is literally a real word...
Rob the bank!
This is far better for a nickname than Bob, Rob has more strength, also, in a lot of TV shows and movies the simpleton character is often named Bob, so now if I think of a Bob I can only think of simpletons.
I don't get what's with the low rating. It's a better Robert nickname than Bob or Bert, which are outdated, and more or less joke names.
Wow, I can't believe this name is rated so badly. What's wrong with it?
Of all the nicknames one can get from Robert, this is probably the one I find the most agreeable-sounding. (Though, I think that the name Robert is best used on its own, with no nicknames or anything.)
Sexiest name ever and my favorite name for a guy.
This is a good nickname for the name Robert. At least it's better than Robbie or Bobby!
This is the best nickname for Robert. Not Bob. Not Bobby. Not Robbie. This is the best.

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