Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My goodness, I first heard this name while listening to a song called Christmas Kids by ROAR and I love it so so much! I really wish my name was Ronnette and not Dumb Adelheid. Seriously, I love this name! It's cute and classy and can work as a brave and tomboyish name too. I don't know anyone named Ronnette in real life, but thanks to ROAR, I got to hear the name for the first time. Seriously, for anyone named Ronnette out there, you need to go and give whatever person who wanted to name you Ronnette a hug because they truly blessed you! If anyone teases you about your name Ronnette's, give em' a good ol' punch in the nose for me because Ronnette is a truly lovely name!
Tacky and cheap.
It looks like someone is trying hard to make Ronald into a feminine version.
Unattractive and forced, plus it's another one of those fake pseudo-French feminizations.
My name is Ronnette. I'm happy it wasn't my middle name. My mother is of Choctaw desent and I was told my name meant "Mighty Little Warrior". Wouldn't trade my name for any other.
It looks like someone tried to be classy, but messed up bad. Like REALLY BAD!
I like the name Ronald but I don't like the idea of any feminine variants like Ronnette or even Ronalda, which is slightly better, but seriously, if you're seriously thinking of calling your "child" this, please do it a favour and relegate it to second-name status. :\

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