Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Sabina is a lovely name. I love its uniqueness, Italian charm, and pleasing aesthetic. I also like its beautiful variant, Sabrina. It does sound a bit similar to “subpoena” in my opinion, but that does not reduce my liking for the name at all; in-fact, it makes me like it even more, given that I harbor a deep love for the legal field. Overall, I think Sabina is a gorgeous name.
Lovely and easy to pronounce in many cultures.
Reminds me too much of Sabrina. It's such a beautiful, classy, and very lovely name.
Name of the day 4/6/22
Adore this name!
B e a u t I f u l!
I prefer Sabina, I don't at all like Sabrina.
Sounds really pretty but I don't like the meaning. Go for Sabrina for a similar sounding name (but it sounds even better) and for a better meaning.
I've always thought this was a bastardization of Sabrina.
I prefer Sabrina but this is pretty too.
I'm not a fan of Sabrina, but I love Sabina and Sarina (NOT Serena). Sabina is a really nice name. It's very Italian, to me. Pairs well with Alessia (Sabina Alessia, Sabina and Alessia as siblings, etc.). As a nickname I'd use Bina or Rina (I feel like it works, even without an r), or maybe even Sadie. I also feel like Nina really works, too. People really overlook this name.
My name is Sabina Willow M. and I’m from America and I love it. I’ve never met anyone with my name before. People misspell my name all the time- they spell it Sabenia or Sabrina but I still think it’s very unique.
Beautiful, but it will get confused with Sabrina.
My name is Sabina. When I was young I loathed it as it made me stand out because it’s so uncommon here in Italy (I’ve only ever met 2 other Sabinas in 20 years of age). I dreamed to change it into something more popular when I was older but now that I am I’ve learnt to love it. I enjoy having an uncommon name and I think it’s beautiful.
My name is Sabina, and even though people say "Sabrina" instead, I love my name because it is so unique and never heard before so I love it. It's way prettier than Sabrina.
I prefer Sabrina. It looks like the r is missing.
Sabrina is better.
I really like this name, plus Beanie is an adorable nickname!
My name is Sabina, and I love my name, sure people do call me Sabrina, and my friends make many nicknames for me. I think the meaning of Sabina means kindness and caring because of my personal experience. I am from Nepal and I was born in Nepal but now I live in United states.
My name is Sabina Rose Potter. I love my name but yes people do call me Sabrina some times! I live in Australia. I am half Australian and half Croation. :D.
This name sounds really beautiful I must say! :)
I first saw this name after I did a family tree and came across an ancestor's name, which was Sabina. My first thought was what a beautiful name. I am sure a downside though is people mistakenly saying "Sabrina" instead of Sabina. Other than that I really like this name.
I prefer the French version, Sabine.
I really adore the name Sabina. I'm using it for a story, the protagonist's mother is Sabina. It really suits her.
In my opinion, Sabina is a cool name. :)
I looove this name! It's sooo much prettier than Sabrina.
I'm not too fond of this name. I don't like the "b" in it for some reason, it makes it sound ... round. I don't make any sense, do I? I like most variations of this name without the "b" though. Just put any other consonant in it and it fits: Satina, Savina, Salina, Sasina, Safina.
I think it's even prettier than Sabrina. I like it a lot.
I think this name is SO pretty! (Even though it sounds like Sabrina.)

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