This name can also be a Masculine name, making this name Unisex.
It's popular as a Masculine name in Denmark and Sweden to the Office for National Statistics census of England and Wales, 11 boys and 9 girls were recorded with the name Sammi in 2004.
How come there's no one heard of Sammi Cheng, a famous Hong Kong singer?
Good, but I prefer it with only one m.
This reminds me of the Sami people from Scandinavia and Russia. I prefer Sammy for both boys and girls.
Pretty nickname for Samantha.
This is a really pretty name. Also nice as a nickname for Samantha.
Reminds me of Finnish people, as it sounds like Saami.
This is my sister's given name. Several of her classmates (named Samantha) will shorten it to this form. Despite my sister telling people that this is her actual name, some people can't seem to accept that she is not Samantha.
Maybe as a nickname. But not as full name.
My name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammi! It's a great name, really f-l-e-x-i-b-l-e! I love it to bits!
Sammi is an evil, conniving woman on the soap opera "Days of our Lives."
The name seems rather beautiful.

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