Comments (Personal Impression Only)

As a Samantha, Sammie is the superior spelling.
Prefer this spelling over Sammy.
The IE looks super childish here. Just use Sammy. But Sam is the only good diminutive.
I really like my name Sammie because I think it's very unique. What makes it more special is it is a unisex name. It adds that bravery to a girl. The only problem I have in my daily life is I often have to correct people with the spelling of my name as it always got spelled as "Sammy" or "Sammi" lol.
A "Sammie" is a slang term for a sandwich.
I think this is a cute nickname for Samantha!
I'm a guy and my name is Sammie, I used to think my name was kinda lame, but doesn't every child? I've come to terms with it now though and really like it. Wouldn't trade it for any other name in the world. I certainly prefer it to Sammy (I always correct anyone who writes my name like that! It's just not right :p).
My best friend is named Samantha, but everyone calls her Sammie, and occasionally Sam. I love Sammie for a girl, but really don't like it for a boy.

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