Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like a dog's name.
Saskia... a delectable title, she bridges its modern rarity with its rich historical backdrop. She embodies the legacy of a people who have navigated the currents of time with resilience and fortitude. Spanning centuries with her serious vein, she stands as a reminder of the collective history and shared experiences that will forever shape the Saxon identity. This name extends beyond the individual, acknowledging the importance of cultural roots and the enduring fame of the Saxons.
Extremely underrated name! I have never met a Saskia and wish I had.
Beautiful name, and, yes, the one Saskia I have ever met was very beautiful herself. To answer a few questions, the German pronunciation is 'ZAH-ski-a'.
Love it! So girly and cute. Sassy but sorta sweet. πŸ’—.
I love it! Feisty and girly.
Saskia is a very spirited antiquated name. It's really cool, I like it lots! Something kinda kickass about a girl with a name that means 'knife'... would definitely suit a dragon slayer type.
A very striking ancient Germanic name meaning 'The Saxon People' or 'Saxon woman' used in Europe since the Middle Ages, and is probably a metathesis of 'Saxa' or 'Saxia'. If I was German and had a little girl I would probably call her Saskia.
Saskia is very beautiful, sassy, and full of personality. Nice unique and individual name. It also ages very well throughout life.
My name is Saskia, and I quite like it. It's quite uncommon where I live, and I have never met another Saskia, but I enjoy having a somewhat uncommon name. It's feminine enough to be pretty without being sickly sweet or babyish, and nicknames are easy (Sass, Sassy, Kia...) The only problem I ever face is some people struggle to pronounce my name. I've had many amusing mispronunciations as well as being mistakenly called Sasha a lot. Otherwise, I love it.
My daughter is named is Saskia, after a dear friend. Highly uncommon in France, now a young woman, she likes her name. The paediatrician commented it was a name with strength, for a strong baby. What perspicacity. She does have great energy, fortitude and an outgoing personality.
Very nice.
Very beautiful name. I would name my daughter Saskia.
Such a beautiful, beautiful name!
Beautiful and exotic.
Saskia is exotic to my American eyes and ears. I think it is so beautiful and melodic. I think Saskia would be a name that is suitable through all trials, tribulations, and stages throughout life.
Beautiful, elegant, gorgeous… I love the name Saskia! My favourite nickname for it is Sassy, after my cat who died a number of years ago. I loved Sassy the cat and I love her name too.
Funny, I always thought Saskia was pronounced 'Sass-kah' or 'Shass-kah'. But now that I know how it's actually pronounced, I like it better. :)
Really lovely name. Sounds artistic without being pretentious.
My overall impression is it's a very nice name. It's a really cute name for a young adult. Saskia to me is very 60s.
Saskia is a new love of mine. I must say, the name sounds very... purple. Not just in a royal sense, but in that Saskia makes me think of a long stretch of purple silk. That must be why I like the combo Saskia Violet so much.
I know a German girl named this. I love this name. She doesn't pronounce it ZAH-skee-ah, but SAH-skee-ah. I like both pronunciations!
I have yet to meet a Saskia, but it's so beautiful. I love it.
I think this is a wonderful name, and it sounds great too. :)
This is probably my most favorite name. It is too gorgeous for words.
How cute! When I first heard this name I thought it was gorgeous.
This is my name =) and as a little girl I hated it! People called me Sasha, Sashkia, Sassya, and so on. But I have grown to love my name and am so happy that it's not a common name and that rarely anyone has it. It's beautiful, feminine, and is unique. It matches my personality because it's a different and creative name. Just like me. =)
Saskia is a beautiful name and is elegant on both young and old people. It also has some pretty nicknames like Sassy, Sasi, Sas and Saski.
Saskia is such a beautiful and special name. Every person I've ever met named Saskia is absolutely incredible and brings starshine to my life. I wish I were named Saskia.
This is my daughter's middle name. I think her name suits her perfectly because it is beautiful, unusual, and traditional.
Pure class.
A very pretty name - all the Saskias I know are beautiful - if I had a daughter I would name her Saskia.
It is a very beautiful name and I have always quite liked it. The only anynoying thing about this name is how to pronounce it! A lot of people get it wrong!
Someone I know says they have yet to know a Saskia that isn't extremely beautiful.
It's a wonderful name. If I ever have a girl, her name will be Saskia.

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