Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My little sister is named Shania. I think the name is very unique and isn't common like other names (although there's nothing wrong with names that are more common) Her name gets mispronounced a lot. For all the Shania's out there your name is unique and beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because I've read a lot of negative comments about the name. And I don't understand why! I respect everyone's opinion, but I haven't really read respectful comments.
Great name. Sounds good, looks good. Shania is a really beautiful, feminine name. So strong!
Shania sounds classy and unique. The one who possesses such name is a human being with poise, confidence, chic, sass and intellect. I pity people who undermine or insult this name because I can't relate to a trash like them. I mean not everyone has such fine taste.
Sounds very trashy!
I think Shania sounds very elegant.
While I do like Shania Twain, it's too heavily associated with her to consider for a child. I also think it sounds really low-class.
My daughter is two and her name is Shania and I know she isn't trashy, nor am I. I'm white and I love this name. It's unique and very pretty. So people can stop hating just because you have a boring name doesn't mean you need to hate on all the unique names. And really, what does race have to do with someone's name? We are not kids.
I know a Shania, and she lives up to the trashy expectations that a lot of people here have. She pronounces it 'sha-NYE-ya' (first and third syllables rhyming with the a in Emma; second syllable rhyming with eye).
My name happens to be Shania as well. I cannot see how you get a "trashy" feel from it at all. I am not from the ghetto, it is in fact Native American. I don't think race should matter with a name, and I think it's pretty as well. Haters can leave! High five to all the other Shania's out there who get their name mispronounced constantly! They do have it right on this site, stop trying to correct it!
The fact that I hate Shania Twain and her lame-ass music does this name no favors. I picture a stupid girl smacking her gum and giving her boyfriend bitch eyes if he spends too much time with his friends. No thanks.
Well my name happens to be Shania and I don't think it is trashy at all. Shania is really pretty and professional. It's also classy.
Shania sounds very trashy to me.
This is a dumb name - very trashy and ugly. I don't think it's really Native American, as Shania Twain likes to say that it is.
I like this name, very pretty. :)
Shania Twain got away with this name somehow, and I suspect the fact that she was a beautiful white country singer had something to do with it. That may even have given people the false idea that this name sounds white. It actually sounds borderline ghetto. At least it doesn't sound much anything like Shaquita or anything. Okay, I made that one up, but they're all made up, and this sounds kind of made up too, even though it isn't. It sounds pseudo-exotic.
Very pretty.

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