Also of English usage as a Unisex name. Also commonly associated with the phonetic element 'shay'.
I love the name Shay! I think it works well for both genders. ❤️.
I know a boy called Shay. He is Irish and this would really suit any little boy!
My aunt's name is Shaylene and this is her nickname.I wish this said F&M.
I think this name is very pretty! Some similar names include Erin, Shanna, and Casey.
This is my nickname. It comes from my middle name Lashay.
Shay Patrick Cormac from the video game Assassin’s Creed Rogue.
I, in a sense, chose this name. So legally I'm called Shealyn! But in middle school, I figured out my identity as genderfluid and sought out a more androgynous name. Anyways, due to (as the rating shows) the pretty mixed feelings on its gender I thought it'd be perfect! So I don't know what I was trying to say here but I love my name.
Shay Carl Butler is an American vlogger. Father of the YouTube family vlog 'Shaytards'.
Shay could be used as a nickname to male names such as Seamus or Shane for instance. I absolutely adore it as the diminutive of Shane!
Shannon Ashley "Shay" Mitchell is a Canadian actress, model, entrepreneur and author. She is best known for her role as Emily Fields in the Freeform series Pretty Little Liars.
137 baby girls and 53 baby boys in the USA (2014) were given Shay.
Also a nickname for Seamus.
I would not consider this a "person" but a famous type of geared locomotive is called Shay.
Shay's not one of my favorites, but since I knew a girl with this name, I kinda like it and prefer it on a girl.
Also an Arabic word that means "tea".
Since the 1880's Shay for a girl hasn't appeared on the top 1000 list. Shay for a boy appeared on the top 1000 list in the 1970's where it ranked 942.
Shaylee appeared on the top 1000 list in 2003. Its most popular year was 2003 where it ranked 777.
My niece's name is Shayenne (Cheyenne) and she goes by Shay. I like it spelt Shaye or Shae though.

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