Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Shayna is such a beautiful name, and it deserves more love. It's definitely underappreciated. If you want a name that has both a very classy and modern feel, choose Shayna! Also, the nickname Shay is so cute, as well. It ages well, and you can see it on a baby. Overall, it's a unique, and special name.
Very pretty! I also like Shaina.
I think Shayna is a good, beautiful strong name.
Shayna is a very pretty name with a nice meaning!
My name is Shayna and I’m actually quite fond of it. Growing up, I was the only Shayna in all my classes. When on the rare occasion I’ve met another Shayna, it’s exciting and it’s like you’re meeting a new friend. I’d definitely recommend this name to anyone who is interested in naming their baby girl something unique with a beautiful meaning. Sure, a few people will mispronounce it here and there but I usually receive many compliments on my name.
I named my daughter Shayna Marie. Her father's middle name is Shane and mine is Marie.
We wanted to come up with something that has meaning to it and Shayna is the perfect name. We could not have picked a better name for our little princess! I did not ever hear the mane Shayna before we named her that and since then I have heard it multiple times! The name is still mispronounced quite often for us or spelled wrong by many! It does have a soft feel when saying it.
We call her shay bug! Her brothers and sisters call her shay shay! Everybody just adores her
I never looked up the name's meaning till after she was born so god knew it would fit her perfect we was going to name her Shane but my mother was rambling on about names Shanna and Shanne then stumbled on to Shayna and I fell in love and we picked that beautiful name! (My mom says she would get made fun of for the name Shane but I love that name for a girl, it's beautiful) but couldn't be happier that we choose Shayna instead!
Well, funny. This is my name! I have always loved this name. The meaning alone is beautiful :) but there are a few issues: so many people don't say my name right. They say Shauna, shanna, shyanne,... or people would give up and make up a name close to mine. Yet, I still love my name! It's soft and loveable, and don't forget it's adorable!
I'm really thinking about nice baby names! For either, since I'm in question. But my husband is from the Hassidic community and he likes all these like gross names like Shlomo and Yenta, lol. I hate all Hassidic names usually because they just sound ancient and European. But the name Shaina is actually pretty! So I'm thinking about this one.
I don't understand how this name can be mispronounced. Its Shay-na. Very simple. If I didn't have an ex named Shane, this would definitely be a top contender for me.
(Presuming this is pronounced SHAY - NA) I heard this on tv and was like WOW. I hadn't realized what a beautiful name it was.
Reading these comments made me really happy! I feel like I should go thank my mom for my name.
I love the name, it's my name, it's unique and uncommon. I meet another Shaena (this the way my mother choose to spell) about every seven years. I'm 25 years old now, I met three and we were so excited that some else has our name lol. I love it if someone calls my name I am almost certain they're talking to me. So nice not to be named Jennifer or Tiffany. I feel like I'm kinda like 1 in a million a needle in a haystack in a good way though I feel free :)
Shayna is a beautiful name, I like this name a lot.
I really, really don't like this name. I know it has a legitimate meaning, but it has a really made up feel to it.
I find this name to be absolutely beautiful, and I for one am glad it is not as common a Hebrew name as, say, Sarah. It's simple, yet stunning--and honestly shouldn't be that hard to pronounce.I recently stumbled upon the (possibly "created") name Shaiya, which could be related to the Hebrew name Shai. I think that Shaiya and Shayna would make great twin names.
This is my name. When I was a child, I wasn't too fond of it, because it was mispronounced constantly. I'd get things like "shuh-NAY" and "SHAN-nuh" or people would give up entirely and say Shannon! Now, I don't know if it's because more people have heard of it or what, but mispronunciations are very rare. I go more by the nickname Shay these days (I love that it means admirable and hawk-like in Irish!), but I still love my full name. It's just the right balance between formal and casual, pretty, and uncommon, but not unheard of.
Shayna. Mmm, that name makes me smile. It's like being on a beach with your friends on a warm summer day!
Beautiful. Why isn't this name more common?
I like this name very much. It has a soft sound, to go along with a nice meaning. It is also uncommon without being too out there.
I love the meaning of this name. You hardly ever hear this name too. It's a shame because it is so beautiful!
The nickname of "Shay" would be awesome too!

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