Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's kinda weird to think that a name like Sheena comes from John!
Old lady name.
It doesn't sound too flattering to me. Not a very pretty name.
This is a pretty name.
Sheena is a very pretty name but it reminds me of a jungle girl.
I think this name is so beautiful! One of my great something grandmothers (1800's) had this name but with an H at the end. Her name was Sheenah Kathleen. I love that combination and I may very well use it in the future.
That's my name and I love it! I've never met another Sheena!
After finding out about this name, I fell in love with it! This name is really pretty! =)
My name is Sheena and I've always loved my name. I did hear a lot of references to Sheena Queen of the Jungle, Sheena Easton and Sheena Warrior Princess (although they were thinking of Xena). It never bothered me, it was always a fun way to help people remember me. I didn't even hear about Sheena is a Punk Rocker until I was in my 20's, but I thought it was pretty cool to have a "Rock n Roll" name. Although I was born in '84, my parents didn't know about Sheena Queen of the Jungle or Sheena Easton--they couldn't decide between Sheila or Shawna so they made up Sheena. I've always received compliments on how beautiful my name is and I can't think of one time I was ever made fun of for my name. I love the way it sounds, looks and the meaning behind it.
I'd like it for a character; it makes me think of a shimmery mother-of-pearl shell. Unfortunately, I knew a very nice girl named Sheena and she, like what Tbird said, got teased. A group of neighborhood kids would start chanting "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" from the Ramones song. But I do like the Scottish association, it is pretty and not so over-used.
My name *was* Sheena until I had it legally changed the minute I turned 18. I couldn't stand another "Like Sheena, Queen of the Jungle" or "Sheena Easton?" or "Sheena, Warrior Princess"! It was irritating to say the least. NEVER name your child Sheena unless you want them to change it when they grow up!
Well my name is Sheena, and I love my name. I was named after the movie Sheena of the jungle that came out in 1984 couple of months before I was born! Sheena is a great name.
I knew a girl named Sheena. And that poor girl got teased and called "A Punk Rocker."

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