Comments (Personal Impression Only)

SHELLEY DUVALL. That expresses my opinion of this name perfectly.
I like Shelley. I'm usually not very keen on -ey names, but this one is really nice. It has a youthful, cute sound, is girly, but not frilly, sort of more girly alternative to Shelby (not that I think Shelby isn't good for a girl, it is, but Shelley is still more girly), and just has something very nice about it. I guess though that I like the spelling Shelly a tiny little bit more than Shelley. I completely can't picture it on a guy, maybe a little boy yes, but not a grown man at all, and I think a downside is that it doesn't seem to age well on women either. Well I'm not from an English-speaking country and I don't know any Shelleys so I'm no expert but I find it hard to imagine a Shelley older than say 40, and even 40 years old is quite mature for this name. When I think of this name I see a teenager, or a young adult. I really really like the diminutive Shell - be it for Shelley, Shelby or Michelle - I like how it sounds and I simply like shells so it makes me like it even more.
The cat name association probably comes from Shelley being a cute name choice for a cat with tortoiseshell colouring.
My name is Shelley with the second E. I think it gives the name a balance and stronger impression. I've always liked it because it is a little uncommon in this form.
I like the spelling Shelly better on a girl. The E is unnecessary and ugly.
Shelly and Shelli are both beautiful spellings, but I have to say that Shelley is my favourite because it makes the name look very original.
This is OK. I don't mean to offend anyone when I say this, but I picture it as more of a cat name because I know a cat named Shelley. But lots of times people give their pets human names.
This spelling looks more mature and sophisticated than Shelly, even if the difference isn't exactly huge. The name sounds very feminine and pretty, so I can't imagine this name on a male. The problem is that the name sounds quite cutesy and youthful, and that's why I'm not quite sure how well it's going to suit a mature woman. On the other hand, I don't think people would think of the extremely common name Kelly as an infanyile name. This name is much better than Kelly, in my opinion anyway. I guess it's more of a matter if the bearer, and this name still sounds more mature and sophisticated than Brielle, Kayla, Heaven, and the likes.
This is my name and I love it for its originality. My friends usally call me Shelle or 'Shell' and I like the connection to the sea as I have always lived near the coast.

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