Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Unattractive for girls but appealing for boys.
This is my name, I hate it very much and kind of deeply despise my parents for naming me this. It was uncool and mean for them to do this. Their other options were so much better and they decided to go with an old Jewish man name. Very uncool. If you are a parent thinking about naming your child Sidney, don't because my parents did and now I'm bitter about it. As I said the name Sidney is very uncool.
This name (and Sydney) are amazing for anyone regardless of gender.
I like this name, such a shame it's becoming common.
I really enjoy the name Sidney! I think the pronunciation of the name is unique, and I like the way it kind of rolls off the tongue. It's far from boring like a lot of names starting with 'S' and it sounds very serene and peaceful to me. Like the name of a flower or tree that you would find in the forest. I think people who are elegant and full of ingenuity are fitting for the name 'Sidney'.
To me, Sidney is more masculine, Sydney more feminine.
I think it’s really cute and the nickname Sid is cool.
I think the "Sid" part makes it look masculine enough for a boy. It's okay on a girl.
Very pretty and the nickname Sid is cute :)
I've only known girls with this name.
I love this name for a boy because of Sidney Carter from the BBC TV show Father Brown.
I like this for a boy and Sydney for a girl.
Sidney & Avery are two unisex names I actually like on both genders/sexes; I kinda waver back and forth as to which, if either, I prefer them on!
This is my son's name. A lot of people mistake his name for a girls' till I say no, my son. He really mainly goes by Sid. He loves his name and that's all that matters.
This name is all boy to me, there is nothing feminine about it at all. My opinion is swayed by the fact my grandfather is called Sidney and by Sidney Crosby.
This should really be left as a last name. It doesn't sound good for either gender.
I actually prefer this as a boy's name, although that's probably only because it was originally a boy's name and Sydney has only been recently used. Sidney as a girl's name isn't that bad though, at least it's not a city and has some history. Bottom line, I like the sound of the name, but I only like this spelling (for a boy or a girl). The nickname "Sid" just sounds nerdy and a little stuffy to me though.
I CANNOT see this as a girl's name. It was the name of my grandpa and he was very trustworthy, kind, and heroic. However, I can sort of see Sydney as a girl's name with that spelling.
For girls, this name is so bland and ceases to look "cool" and "edgy" after the age of 19. I really don't like it. Can't say I like it for a guy either, but it's my dad's middle name so I respect it.
This always seemed like a girl name to me until Sidney Crosby came along. And he's just so athletic (and handsome) that I'm actually starting to like it more as a boy name. Go figure.
I go to school with a boy named Sidney. He goes by Sid and hates his full name because the name is more often being used on girls. He is also made fun of mercilessly when teachers call out his name for attendance and say 'Sidney' instead of 'Sid.' To me, the name Sidney looks and sounds masculine, not feminine at all. The name Sydney looks more feminine, but still has a very masculine sound, and is becoming popular. If parents are considering naming their boy Sidney, be prepared for him to complain about having girls named Sydney in his class and being mistaken for a girl when his name is called.
To me, Sidney is male, Sydney is female.
I love Sidney! The name is completely masculine for me. =)
This name seems very masculine. I also know someone who named their dog Sidney.

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