Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love it. Smooth name, perfect. I get a classy vibe from this name, somebody educated with good upbringing and manners. That's not a bad thing and it doesn't mean the person is a pretentious pompous snob. Names have nothing to do with character in real life. It also has a bit of a mysterious quality. One of my favorites.
I can't picture this name on a male. I do love it on a girl it sounds very regal and sophisticated, not pretentious.
I don't care about other's views. They call it pretentious that it doesn't fit Given names. I disagree. It's a beautiful name.
If you want to name your daughter this, I think Clair, Claire or Clare are much better choices. Just can't picture it on a girl. However, I don't like this name very much.
Sounds very rich and upperclass. It’s okay on either gender but I prefer it on a boy.
Derived from a Scottish clan Sinclair, it has been my upmost pleasure to be named Sinclair Benedict O'Driscoll born in Nottingham with my dad's Irish heritage middle and surname, it's a fantastic name, nearly all my friends are doubled up on their names, two Andrews two Shaun's two Angela's, the list goes on! I've only met one Sinclair. He was a delivery driver, so quirky, different and easy to spell and pronounce, Hail to Sinclair!
Very pretentious. Makes me think of a male who was brought up by filthy rich parents.
Sinclair is a very, very good and unique masculine name. I like the sound. It's dignified without being ridiculous.And how exactly can a name be "pretentious"? (Short of like, Heavenleigh Majestee or something?) "I want a classic, strong, ear-pleasing, distinguished name for my kid, so I'm somehow being pretentious"? No, no, no.
It sounds very pretentious, plus Sinclair looks just plain ugly as a first name.
I like this name a lot better as a middle name. I like the sound if it more then the spelling though. SINclair just looks a bit odd on paper. I really love the sound though.
This as a first name?! No way. Very pretentious.

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