Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Makes me think of a device to unclog the drain in your bathroom, sponges and soap.
Everyone is going to assume a Solange was named after Beyonce's sister.
This has been very informative on my given name. Although having read about St. Solange I'm not so sure I like my name anymore, so sad :( I wish it meant angel of the sun, it's actually lovely in comparison to solemn :/
This is one of my favorite French names. I want to move to France one day and possibly name my daughter this. It's so beautiful, both in its actual etymology of "religious" and in its false etymology of "sun angel".
I know this sounds immature, but it always reminds me of blamanche.
What a nice name! One of the few French names I really like, I chose this to be my name in French class this year. And the meaning (according to my teacher) is gorgeous, "angel of the sun"!
This is a beautiful name, but it also sounds like "salon", and everyone thinks of Beyoncé's sister. I love both Beyoncé and her sister, but who wants their name associated with a celebrity?
This name is so pretty! Oh, and bananarama, I DO! Oh, wait, I do!
The name is beautiful, but attributing the meaning to the Latin "sollemnis" sounds too far-fetched for me. I'd readily accept the meaning proposed by Star Sister; it's even lovelier that way. Besides, I never knew there was a St Solange until now - this just goes to show how rare it is as a saint name, and I think that, were I to use it, it wouldn't really be sacrilegious. I mean, just look at the number of bearers of "Mary", "Maria", etc.To leananshae: I believe the French word for "alone" or "only" is "seul(e)"?
A very pretty name, but I would never use a saint name. Or a martyr name. Or a prophet name, or anything religious, as long as it's avoidable. Besides, the fact that this is Beyoncé Knowles' sister's name has ruined this name, don't you think? I can't stand her music, and I don't expect her sister to be much less annoying as a person either.
I think it's pretty.

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