Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Gorgeous name! It's a very nice alternative to Sophia and it sounds like a princess's name.
It spells Ainos backwards! Reminds me of the word Anus.
People mention that they prefer the Sonya spelling but I disagree. As someone who prefers the pronunciation "SOAN-ia"/"SOH-nia", I feel like the Sonya spelling makes people want to pronounce it like "Sawn-yah"/"San-yah" (which honestly I feel like you hear more in the US...), which I find so unattractive. I think Sonia is very pretty.
Very nice! A great way to steer away, yet still stick with, the awesome yet common name Sophia/Sofia. Sapphire also has those connotations. And this has the wonderful nickname Sunny.
It’s my name too... People have always misspelled it as Sonya, but that’s okay, you get used to it.
My name is Sonia, more likely spelled like Sonija. My mother is Russian and she named me like that. I live in Germany and here this is a really rare name, so I like my name not to be overused. I adore my name because it sounds really nice and girly, like a beautiful, colorful flower or something like that. The meaning of this name is probably Greek "wise".
Sonia or Sonya is a wide faced Russian woman, waddling along a city street in her babushka, pushing a grocery cart.
Sort of clever and witty sounding.
I like “Sonya” better.
Beautiful name, and currently underused. I adore Sonia, and feel that, along with Sylvia and Sylvie, it is the perfect alternative to Sophia and Sophie, if you love those names, but are reluctant to use them because of their popularity. Sonia would also be a great Tanya/Tania alternative.
This is my daughter's name but she goes by Sonnie. She's a 4 year old red-head and won't tolerate being called Sonia... maybe when she's older.
This was the name of one of my great aunts. I really like it, but everyone spells Sonia as Sonya. Sonya looks vulgar and terrible. I believe she was named after a Ukrainian figure skater named Sonia. It's a really unique name I have yet to meet a Sonia. (my great aunt died before I was born.)
My name is Sonia, and while I used to like my name, at this point in time I cannot recommend naming your child or yourself this. People never had too much trouble with my name until Sophia became more popular. Everyone calls me Sophia now, and I have to correct them over and over. It's become so grating (on top of the ugly, nasal mispronunciation "Sahn-yuh" that I still get, *and* all of the misspellings) that I'm changing my name. Sonia is a pretty enough name, and I've gotten many compliments on it. But until the thing for Sophia dies down, I wouldn't use it unless you want to subject your child to extreme annoyance once everyone's little Sophias are in class together with her/him/them.Edit: When I do get it through to people that my name is Sonia, Sonya Blade is always brought up. I'm so sick of MK references.
Beautiful name, this was my great aunts name. The 'Y' is to trendy and common! This name works for every age and isn't common without being wierd. Its just so classic and modern at the same time! This name is one of my favorites.
This is my middle name. I wish it was my first name. It sounds very elegant and delicate.
Well I always have liked my name Sonia because it is not weird but it is uncommon. It is nice to be the only Sonia in your school growing up.
This is a prettier spelling of Sonya. The name sounds nice, as long as it isn't pronounced too nasally and with too long a vowel sound on the first syllable.
Sonia is a beautiful name, I like the spelling Sonya I think better.

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