Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sweet nickname for a little boy, but not as a legal name. Sonny is basically the strictly male equivalent of 'kiddo', and just because you like it as a name doesn't make that any less true. Please don't put this on a birth certificate.
Who names their son Sonny? This feels like a last-resort, like the parents couldn't think of any other name. As a nickname it's fine, but as a legal name it is not.
Sonny is a very childish name. It’s cute on a baby or a little boy, but sounds ridiculous for a man. Sunny is the girl version.
This is just terrible. You can call your kid that as a nickname, it works for everyone, just like Buddy or Sweetheart. Don't put it on his birth certificate. This is such a burden to live with, so immature and ridiculous. He will grow up.
Dunno what to call your son? Call em' Sonny- Jokes aside I think it's an okay name- It reminds me of warm sunny days.
Sounds ridiculous as a name. And who in their right mind would name a girl this?
Sonny is a great name and it is a boy's name.
I think Sonny is the best name ever and it is definitely a boy's name!
Oh this name is so girly! I like Sonny for a girl, not a boy really. Sonny for a boy is too obvious and stereotypical. Sonny for a girl is very cute and elegant without being too obvious on a girl. Madison is a girl's name, since Maddy is a cute nickname, Sonny could also fill the gap.
I always had a great weakness for "Sonny" or "Sunny", one of my fave names, probably because of Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice, the smart Don Johnson, my absolute must in the eighties- my favorite actor in that time (-:
I agree with several of the above posters. This name is a nickname for a young son and should stay that way. Why is it even a given name?If you seriously like this 'name', name your son something decent such as Samuel, Frederick, or Thomas and call him Sonny in private as a nickname.I feel sorry for all the poor boys/men out there who have this as their legal first name.
Sonny is an amazing name.
It's a good name and I think it's pretty cute.
This was the name of my aunt's dog. Enough said.
To be honest if someone is willing to call their child Jayden or Rocco, which are stupid names for grown men (can you imagine a 40 year old Jayden?) then why can't they call their child Sonny, which has been round since the 1920's?
Come on, Sonny is a NICKNAME, and not a very professional-sounding one! It doesn't suit a grown man at all. I don't understand why Sophie Ellis-Bextor would use this as the legal name of her son.
I actually like this name very much for a girl. :)
What a ridiculous, infantile name. This shouldn't really be a nickname to begin with, but rather an affectionate word used for one's son. It's kind of like ''sweety'' and ''darling''. Just not romantic, ha ha. But how on earth could a man named Sonny be taken seriously? Okay, in the 80s, by Republicans, it apparently was. Ah well, if you can take a guy who goes by Rush seriously, I suppose anyone can be successful! This name is sheer LUNACY on girls. Come on, the term of affection itself spells it out quite clearly, don't ya think? At least spell it Sunny!
Sonny is what you call a boy or a young man. I don't know how it can be a name.

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