Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm a non-binary person of Caribbean descent (Trinidad & Tobago), and I picked this as my name! I can't believe that it fits me so well. There is no other name that has genuinely felt as good as this one for me. I give this name a huge thumbs up. It can sound good on anyone, regardless of gender.
It names me think of the word Sorrow. But I think Sorrow sounds like a nice name too if it wasn't for the meaning.
It’s lovely. I can’t believe many people have said it’s ugly.
100% yes.
This name is gorgeous! It reminds me of forests and greenery.
The name is okay, but the meaning "sour" isn't very attractive.
As others have said, it looks and sounds far too much like “sorry” for my liking and the “sour” meaning doesn’t do it any favours either. Not keen.
Pretty. But sounds sad. Like sorry or sorrows.
It has a pretty look to it, and it’s a good middle name.
This is feminine? Ugly name!
I think this name is pretty and all, but it reminds me of a funeral. It's nice as a middle name, though.
Even though it sounds like sorry or sorrow, it's still very unique and unheard of.
My name is Sorrel. My parents named me after my great grandpa for his red hair and the red color of the horse. I love the name and have always loved answering questions about it.
I don't think the "sour" meaning really matters, the name itself doesn't sound sour at all. I think it's a pretty name and I quite like it. I grew up with a friend name Sorrel so it never really stood out as an unusual name to me.
I do like it pronounced 'Sore-awl'. It is a common surname too.
Looks like "sorry". And Canadians pronounce sorry just like this, "SOR-ee".
Sorrel is a pretty neat name, but it sounds more masculine than feminine to me.
I wouldn't want to name my kid something that meant "sour" and sounded like "sore."
Gorgeous name! Love it to death. Perfect! Sorrel stands for:
Sorrel doesn't sound like it ought to be a person's name. I generally don't think it's a good idea to name children after herbs (Rosemary being an exception, as Rose and Mary are given as names often). Sorrel sounds like a great name for a rabbit, though.
I think this is a really interesting name; I like the way it sounds, if not its meaning. But, lemons are sour and I like them.

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