Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I won't use this name because I am not of the origin and it would sound very foreign in the US yet if I were Scandinavian and everyone around familiar with the language and culture, then sure, Sven is a handsome name.
I never would have guessed Sven/Svend meant Boy. Especially seeing that Boy is called Dreng in Danish (my mother tongue), Pojke in Swedish and Gutt in Norwegian. I guess it's an example of how languages change over time.
When I first saw this name I thought it was a really bad misspelling of 'Steven.' Though hearing it again, I've found this to be a quite sexy name. :]
I really like this. It'd be really cool on a cat.
One of those attractive Euro names. Pretty cool.
Sven is such a sexy name.
Ok, this is like calling your kid Boy in English. I guess it's cool for people from Europe, but just not other people, it doesn't go. Although it's a pretty cool name.

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