Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In my opinion, Svetlana is a gorgeous name. I like its uniqueness (in the US), as you rarely see “s” and “v” next to each other. I also love its beautiful meaning: “Light.” Lastly, I appreciate its lovable (potential) nickname, Lana. Overall, I think Svetlana is a lovely name.
Since I was young, I've played a game where I chose a name for myself had I been from a different country, and the Russian name I chose was Svetlana. I have never met someone who dislikes this name, and hopefully I never will. "Light of the world" is such a strong and powerful meaning, a great name to bless a child with. I had a great-grandmother named Svetlana because my family is part-Slavic.
I think this is one of the prettiest Russian girls names ever. And I don’t think there would be too much of a pronunciation issue in English speaking countries. Lana is a cute nickname as well.
I like the meaning, not sure if I like the name so much. But it’s growing on me.
Great meaning, but sounds very close to Polish "śmietana" which means "sour milk".
My name is Svetlana! I love it and it honors the fact I’m half Ukrainian. Expect to get called Svet or Lana (or Sveta, depending if the person is Slavic). It’s very pretty but I feel often mispronounced or spelled wrong, even though it’s easy. That’ll be the case for any Slavic name, though.
Here's a haiku about this name:That one Russian name
That doesn't sound quite pretty
But I still like it.
Reminds me of Svetlana Yevgenivna from Shameless!
My mom is Svetlana. I love that name so much. My mama Lana.
Beautiful and elegant with an awesome meaning!
No, I don't think any English speaker would have a problem pronouncing this name. It's pronounced the way it's spelled. I think it's a pretty name. One of my favorite Russian names along with Nadezhda.
Sexy Russian female name.
I LOVE THIS NAME SO MUCH. Russian names have always appealed to me, and I'd rather have a unique name such as Evgeniya, Elizaveta, or Svetlana as opposed to my boring and common name: Hannah. This name is beautiful and strong to me, and though it might be common in Slavic countries, I'd prefer it over my name.
I really like this name. As a native English speaker, I don't think anyone would pronounce it sweat-lana except for maybe a child who has trouble with V's. This name seems like it's been used a lot in the movies for Russian spies (thanks a lot Hollywood). I don't think it's necessary to give a nickname either.
I love the way this name sounds.
Svetlana is really interesting and beautiful, and the meaning's also interesting-- light.
Svetlana's a really beautiful name, it's also my friend's name, she's Russian and Greek. It fits her perfect, she's funny, beautiful, nice, I would middle name my daughter this when I have her (in like 15 years!)
This is my name! I love it! All Svetlanas are cute! =)
Very beautiful name! Means LIGHT!

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