Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A great name held back only by its age connotation. Mark my words that this will begin to take off a decade from now.
I love the name Sylvester! As a Pokémon fan, I love both Sylvia and Sylvester because they are very similar to "Sylveon", which is one of my favorite Pokémon of all time! Like almost all Pokémon fans, I find Sylveon to be adorable, a very welcome addition to the Eeveelution family. "Sylveon" is such a cool name that is fun to say and rolls off the tongue easily. It's very strong, very useful in battle, and very loyal: I love its dex entry for Pokémon Y: "It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her." And shiny Sylveon is absolutely amazing! Ever since X and Y were new, I always believed "Sylveon" could have been a human name as well, possibly as an alternative masculine version of "Sylvia." Fun fact: It is not a coincidence that the three names look and sound very similar. Sylveon was named after sylphs, and while the exact etymology of "sylph" is somewhat debated ("sylph" = "silva" + "nymph"), it is known that it is related to "silva", the Latin word for "forest", a root that Sylvia and Sylvester also derive from. Famous bearers include Sylvester Stallone (American filmmaker) and Sylvester Turner (mayor of Houston, Texas). I personally don't know anyone named Sylvester in real life, but I would love to someday. I hope I have a friend named Sylvester someday who shares my main interests such as music and gaming.
Snooty and pretentious, but also ugly. Why would you nickname someone Sly? It's like being called Manipulative or Cruel or Sneaky. Also, the "vest" stands out way too much.
Lately this name has really been growing on me. I really like names like Sebastian and Alexander but worry they’re too ‘common’, maybe Sylvester could be the perfect alternative. I also like the nickname possibilities, Sylv, Sly, Vester, Sev (just not Sylvie…). And the meaning is perfection! It’s like it was meant for a wood fairy.
This is a great name - it suits all ages! I love the sound of it and its connection to nature! It's trending but still unique.
Very intricate and fancy sounding! As others said, this would be a great name for a cat! Sylvester the Cat.
I honestly like it. I also like the combo Sylvester Wolf.
What an interesting and sadly underused name. I love that Sylvester means of the woods or of the forest. I think that with its intriguing look and sound its meaning adds a truly magical element to the name.
Very fancy sounding. Nice for a cat.
Interesting name, but all anybody thinks about when they hear it is Sylvester Stallone and Sylvester from the Looney Toons cartoons.
Oy- very dated. Seems like some old bald relative you'd have. "Hey, Uncle Sylvester...!"
I think this is a very stylish and handsome name, I think it should be used more often.
What a cute name for a little boy and a strong name for a handsome youth. I really like this name. The fact it's under used just adds to its charm I think, personally :)
An AMAZING name! I love Sylvester the Cat (he is awesome!). Sylvester Stallone is a great namesake plus a brilliant actor. These are my reasons why I think Sylvester is such a cool name. :D.
I really quite like this name, in all honesty, although it does remind me of the black-and-white cat, and the Rocky movies, but despite this, I really think it is rather quite a nice name. :-)

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