Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In the Russian wild, where whispers dance
Taras stirs the air with mystic chants
A name ensconced in ancient lore
Where legends rise and creatures soar
From misty peaks to rivers wide
Taras casts a spell, a guide
Through realms of dreams and earthly plains
A name that magic deftly claims.
I think it's such a cool and handsome name.
Sounds way too much like Taurus.
As long as his mother isn't called Tara, otherwise he'd be Tara's Taras!
I suggest anyone who names a son Taras here in the U.S. gives them a middle name they can use in place of their first name. Most people who are not Slavs will have a lot of trouble pronouncing it, or they may mistake it for a girl's name.

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