Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Don't like it, it's a childish sounding made up name & every girl I've come across with this name is a spoiled mean girl.
I don't understand, whenever someone asks me "what's your name" I say "Tayla" and they are like "Taylor, okay Taylor" and I'm like "no, Tayla, T a y l a - Tayla!"
Frighteningly ugly.
WAY better than Taylor.
As an Aussie, I pronounce Taylor and Tayla/Taylah the same. I do prefer the spelling Taylor though.
T is for Tacky.
In my opinion, Taylor is too unisex, so Tayla is a great option if you want a more femenine version.
My parents named me Mikel Tayla, however my Father wanted to call me by my middle name Tayla. With that said I still go by the name Tayla, everyone calls me this including my husband. But honestly, Mikel feels more like my ‘real’ name. It’s hard to make that transition after being called Tayla for 36 years. I do believe this name ages well. As people have told me my whole life they love my name. Tay, Tay-Tay, Tay-tor-tot (my dad's nickname for me) all of these have felt sincere and endearing. My name has separated me from the norm. I was raised by educated parents. My father is a Physcist and my mother an accountant. I am a musician, an artist, a charity volunteer and a mother of two. This is not a slang half-said, mis-pronounced name. Wanted to make that correction to the assumptions. However, everyone is entitled to their opinions; I think we all need more “Tayla’s” in the world!
My name is Tayla. I love my name, it is unique.
My name is Tayla and I like my name! I like that it's a little bit different but not out there. I don't know why people are so mean about it because it's just a variation of Taylor and I've seen and heard far worse names.. I'm glad I don't have a common name!
Sounds like an incomplete name. Despite it being uncommon, it has no uniqueness or any feel to it whatsoever. It's just a blah and stupid name, much like Jane, John, Joe, etc.
I mean, I can see the good intentions behind this name. People rightfully thought Taylor sounded too boyish, so they came up with Tayla for their daughters instead. However, it just sounds ugly and tacky, and too close to Kayla for my liking. I'd recommend looking for another name entirely.
While not the best names by any stretch, I am fine with Taylor and Kayla as their own names.However, Tayla is not fine. It seems tacky, meaningless, and kind of trashy to me, as though poor Tayla's parents just picked her name through randomly combining sounds.
Really despise this. Sounds like someone saying Taylor in a strange accent. Overall, it's a trashy, tacky name.
Hugely dislike... 'Tayla'. It comes across as modern, made-up & weird looking and makes me think that the parents must be uneducated.
This sounds like a made up name given by a teen parent. So uneducated and trashy, even worse than naming a girl Taylor! (Which is pretty bad) come on people, there are plenty of perfectly good, mature, real names out there, there's gotta be at least one you like!
My name is Tayla and I've always liked my name (not just because it's mine). I've never understood why people think that it is a black name. I've known of more white people that have the name. I also don't understand why it is so hard for people to pronounce. I've have one teacher call me Tyler. It's really common for other people to call me Taylor, Kayla, Tilya, or Taya. I don't see how it's any different from names like Kayla, Layla, Shayla, Jayla, Skyla, Shyla, or Michayla/Michaela. Overall I think it's a cute and simple name. Many people tell me it's beautiful and some of my friends say it is the black version of Taylor. And I personally don't like the 'Taylah' spelling, but it's a sort of cute for like a little girl.
In my accent Taylor and Tayla sound the same and Tayla is more common than Taylor. I prefer this spelling as it looks more feminine though I hate the Taylah spelling.
This sounds like how Woody Allen would pronounce Taylor in "Annie Hall". (To coincide with slight_night_shiver's comment.)
Taylor is stupid enough, but Tayla sounds even worse. It looks like the nauseatingly trendy names Taylor and Kayla were smushed together. Tayla also looks babyish and won't age well.
Taylor is so much better in my opinion. This looks too much like a Kayla knock-off.
Well, it rather does sound like the New York pronunciation of Taylor. Plus, it sounds too much like the hideous and overly youthful Kayla.
The name is Taylor, pronounced Tayla by people who can't speak English. If you want to name your kid Taylor, go ahead. If you want to name your kid Kayla, same. Don't try to mix them together people.
I LOVE this name. Except I prefer it to be spelt 'Taylah', I think that way is more cute and interesting.
I like this name for a girl, I have a cousin named Taylah, the spelling Tayla or Taylah makes it more feminine (although I only like Taylor for a girl too). :)

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