Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my middle name. I sometimes feel ashamed and even embarrassed to myself for having this childish name as my middle name.But now, I find that this name is a cute nickname for a boy and sometimes... I got to appreciate the little things in life—even if it's something like... having a controversial middle name.
Everyone says it reminds them of the Teddy bear, but when I hear it it reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt, who was probably the most badass president ever. I love this name, sounds very strong and classy as a nickname to a name like Theodore.
I absolutely hate it! Immensely unattractive.
I love Teddy so so much. I’ve wanted to name a boy this since I was about…6?! I’d probably use Theodore or Edward or something as a full name, but I do like it as a stand-alone. Just Teddy might seem silly, but there are lots now, and in a decade or two when I have kids it’ll be normal. Whichever way, I’ll have a Teddy. I just love it.
nah, this will only stay as a toy bear name, so if you are naming your child this, your child will be made fun of this name so don't
I really like the name Teddy, sounds so calming and sweet!
I think that Teddy can be a girl's nickname for Theodora, a feminine version of Theodore. It's a great name, or nickname, and if it's used on the right person, it'll grow to be a great name for them.
I think Teddy is a super cute nickname for a teen or young adult, it's attractive and gentle, but can also be casual and fun. Super handsome nickname, especially for people named Theo or Theodore.
This is so sweet as a nickname for Theodore or Edward while he is still younger.But it is completely ridiculous as a full name. Can you imagine having to introduce yourself as Teddy as a 35 year old guy during a business meeting?
I don't even think this would make a nice nickname.
Why would anyone name their child after a doll?
Aww, cute! Teddy Bear.
Reminds me of an adorable Teddy bear, but this name is immature.
Very noice.
How is this a diminutive of Edward?
Very cute nickname for Theodore, and has a pretty solid association with Roosevelt.
I like Teddy.Despite being a nickname it works well as first name. Far better than Ben, Sam, Nick, Chris or other popular ones. My links are Teddy Bear & Roosevelt. It is also a Harry Potter minor character from the Next Generation. I actually like these links.
This is a cute name, but it’s a stereotypical name for Teddy bears in my opinion!:j.
So cute! I would consider it for both a future son or a future daughter. It works on a little kid but it also can work on an adult as well. I love it!
My cousin is pregnant, and though she's planning on naming her son Theodore fully, she's already calling him Teddy and is planning on making that his nickname. I think it is so precious! I love it!
It's a cute nickname for a young child, but it should be kept at that: a nickname. It would sound stupid for a teenager or adult.
Aww, Teddy is an adorable name! Xoxo :3.
I know someone who uses this as a nickname for Theadora.
This is an adorable nickname for a boy or man of any age.
Teddy is absolutely the CUTEST nickname anybody could ever have! I love this name, but a) only on boys, and b) as a nickname (particularly for the name Theodore). This nickname is so cute, it even made the very evil character Theodore (Teddy) "T-Bag" Bagwell on the show Prison Break a little more likeable!
I love teddy bears, but Teddy is too cutesy as a given name. It's better off as a nickname. Now I'm even seeing people spell it Teddie and give it to girls, like with Lily Allen's half-sister. It sounds cutesier and rather infantile on a girl.
A nickname for a little boy, and an old-fashioned one at that. Then there's the Teddy bear association.
"Teddy" reminds me of "teddy bear", but also reminds me of "teddy boy".
The meaning of this name "gift of God" seems so fitting. I had dog named Teddy, and that dog was one the best friends I ever had.

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