Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name so much. My grandfather, and many others in my family tree, bore the polish version Tadeusz. This name is so strong, rare, and beautiful. Nicknames include Teddy and Thad. I would love to use this on a son. It is one of my favourite names.
What an awesome name. Just radiates power and confidence. I wish it was more common but then again rarity makes it that much more unique and awesome.
I absolutely love this name because it's so wonderful, cool, handsome and very nice. ❤❤.
It's alright, but I wouldn't use it.
As a kid watching a tv show featuring a character with this name, I always thought his name was “Fattius” because my hearing couldn’t make out what it actually was and the pronunciation makes it sound like that. Mind you, I also didn’t know about the existence and proper spelling of this name. It’s really comical to look back on and I hope this helps someone out there because I think one should take into account any possible ‘sound-alikes’ before picking a name. As an adult, I think it’s alright but the nickname “Tad” is easier to hear properly.
I like this name. It has a good meaning and it may sound and look old but there are nicknames like Ted, Teddy, or even Dee to make it more modern. The name is unique and it soon grows on you.
It's alright.
Great name but the nickname Tad only makes me think of Tadpoles. Yuck.
Love this name. Really dislike the nicknames though... Ted, Teddy, Tad, Taddy, Thad, Deuce... ew. Just stick with Thaddeus and it will be a winner.
I really like the name Thaddeus. It's on my guilty pleasure list because it sounds so cool and in my opinion '70s, but it's not on my main list because it is going up in popularity. However, it is staying in the three figures, which is a happy medium.Some people think the diminutive Tad is a "tad" boring, bland, or uncreative, but I love it. It sounds very much like the name of any normal guy, except with his quirks, slightly weirder than your average Mike but more on par with Jeff.
What a pretentious name.
This name sounds awesome. LOVE it! :D.
I used to know a boy named Thaddeus back in elementary school. The name to most of us sounded harsh and disgusting, but now I rather like it. I think in today's day and age, Thaddeus is more suited as a middle or confirmation name rather than a first name.
This is one of my latest name crushes! Thaddeus is manly, yet refined. He's smart and rugged. Overall, I find the name sort of sexy.
I'm madly in love with this name and, barring absolute contempt from my husband, am naming my first son Thaddeus, with the nickname Tadd. I think it's a very strong, masculine name that also doesn't prohibit fun.
Thaddeus is a strong handsome name. Seems more modern than it is. I love the nickname Teddy and Taz for it.
Handsome name, and one of my all-time favorites!
I like this name a lot. A good nickname for it is Tad.

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