Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Odd…sounds like a name you would give someone on Thanksgiving. It’s alright…I guess.
Odd but unique name.
HUH? This doesn't look like a proper name at all.
This would make a good name for a pilgrim character.
I don't think this name would be appropriate in a professional setting.
What the heck? I'm Thankful for children but NOT this name.
This would be a ridiculous name to bestow upon a child.
This name has grown on me, and I think it’s kinda weird to have Thankful as a name. But not too weird. I still like it! Probably because of edgy puns you’ll get from friends like “be Thankful, Thankful!” Ha ha ha, she said Thankful twice! I wish I had a name that would make 1, 000, 000, 000 puns. Nothing wrong with puns. It’s awesome. I wouldn’t name anyone this, but it’s cute for fans of this name too.
I’m trying to take this name seriously since I don’t wanna offend anyone with Thankful as their legal name, whether they’re male or female :)
I think naming kids adjectives is unique and original. Personally, if I gave a child a word or a slang as his or her name, that would only be if I was actually silly. It’s not a bad thing, it’s kinda interesting, because I come snooping around for my own reactions to comments I read on the website about names like “Unique” and “Gaylord”. I’m thinking about naming my son Princess Flower Tiana, but I’m actually not going to because I need to take them seriously. This name is an okay name if you really think you’re going to take your kids future seriously. :) I think it’s a cute and elegant name for a girl but a boy wouldn’t be taken too seriously ):
Why not use a name that means thankful or something close to it? You're setting your kid up for teasing.
My name is Thankful, thank you very much. I cannot believe that people could say such rude things about something as simple as a name. In my opinion and my mother's too, the name is a beautiful, humble name.
I like English Puritan names. They're unique and sometimes funny.
Thankful as a name is just... ridiculous and very unfortunate. I feel very sorry for anyone named this. I truly am.
There are a few Thankfuls in my family tree, all descendents of an indentured servant that signed the Mayflower Compact.
I think this is an unusual name, and an interesting find.
Get a grip, people, this is an ARCHAIC name! Meaning other than the occasional oddball that wants to be different very few people in their right mind would name their child this in this day and age.
I think going with a name like "Grace" would be better than "Thankful". How embarrassing.
Hmm, this name is interesting - a lot of puritan virtue names are interesting. I kinda like the sound, but obviously I would never use it. On the other hand people use names like Hope and Faith, and those are just as wordy, so it's not completely ridiculous.
I don't care how thankful you are for the kid; this is not a name, and it should not be used as a name.
If names are really coming down to this you're gonna make the poor girl/boy miserable, might as well name your kid "I want to make you miserable".
Seraphine_Eternal's Basic Rule #1 of Child-Naming: make sure the name *isn't* a common word (regardless of whatever part of speech it is) in the language that you speak. "Thankful" flouts that rule and should be condemned to the graveyard with no possibility of parole. NEXT!
This isn't a name at all! It's just a word! Can't believe someone would actually name their daughter this.
Thankful for the right to change one's name.
Thankful for what?
This has got to be one of the worst names I have ever heard.
OMG! sorry about that. It's a word people! Make something creative! Thankful is not creative! It doesn't even sound beautiful, Unique is even better, America is even better! At least they sound feminine. This name is BEYOND in need of help! Please don't name your child this! It's the scariest name of all time. It's like saying this,
"Hi I'm Thankful"
"Umm that's nice."
What kind of name is that seriously?
Thankful, sister to Please and Sorry.
Some adjectives work as names. This isn't one of them. Come to think of it, adjectives don't make very good names to begin with. This one doesn't even sound pretty, and it's just plain weird. Can you imagine a parent shouting to their child: ''Thankful, it's time to go!''. The word would sound ridiculous even on animals.
Might as well start naming children Grateful or Pretty (it's an adjective).
Don't name your child this! They will be "thankful" that you didn't.
Not any word, but an adjective. Simply awful. Then again, I'm not a fan of any Puritan virtue names.
Yes, there is a difference between the virtue Verity, and THANKFUL! First of all, this virtue is both a verb and an adjective, not good. At least let it be Thankfulness, at the very least. Second of all, it fits into the same Princess, Diamond, Unique, Gaylord, Bonnie and Heaven classification. Give me a break, will you?
It's just a word.

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