Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Theo from Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Theo Thompson is Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson' son, and his sister's name is True Thompson.
Theo is the stage name of South Korean singer Choi Tae-Yang. He is a member of the K-pop boy group P1Harmony. The group debuted on October 28, 2020.
Theo Mathew Dahl, son of children's author Roald Dahl and movie actress Patricia Neal. Had a horrific car accident at four months of age in the early 1960's.
Theo is the name of the Teen Wolf character “Theo Raeken”.
There is a character named Theo Theodorakis in Ellen Raskin's novel The Westing Game.
The actor who famously portraits Tobias "four" Eaton in the Divergent series is called Theo James.
In The Deadly Dare Mysteries by Malorie Blackman the main character is called Theo. (I highly recommend this awesome book to mystery lovers!)
Theo Hutchcraft is the singer of the British band Hurts.
In the Mortal Enguines series Theo is one of the main characters in Infernal Devises, and Darkling Plain. He marries Tom and Hester's daughter Wren. Called Theo Ngoni.
Theo Vilmos is a main character of great sci-fi "The War of Flowers" by Tad Williams and since I read this book I adore the name.
Theo was one of the children on "The Cosby Show."

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