Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ooh what an unusual name! The association with the gemstone is beautiful and I like the ending -z!
Very pretty. I’ve added it to my list.
This is good.
My mind jumps to tacky. Not common, but to me it sounds unrefined. Soz, unpopular opinion.
Makes a good twin name with Amber. Double double, yellow bubble!
Use this as a middle name and have the first name be either Honey or Poppy. Two types of Topaz stone are Honey Topaz and Poppy Topaz. :)
My name is Topaz and no I don’t get bullied and everyone in my school loves my name. All my friends think it is so cool and I always get compliments on it.
Topaz would be cute for a girl or woman born in December, because it's the birthstone. I like the Z ending and the pronunciation. I would pronounce it Toe-pas.
This name is really cool, but it is RISKY. You need a lot of confidence to carry it off, and it can backfire on a child terribly. Even though gemstones have been legitimate names for a long time (e.g. Ruby, Jade, etc.), Topaz would probably be much safer as a middle name.
I love the sound of the name Topaz! I think having this gorgeous precious stone namesake is amazing! Topaz is a beautiful name! ^_^
My name's Topaz. Yes, I do get made fun of...
Topaz reminds me of Lopez.
Be nice, guys. The jewel is quite pretty, and it is an interesting name.
What an awful name! This would be so tacky. Please don't name anyone Topaz! Lol.
Some people complain about this being the name of a yellow gemstone. That's why it appeals to me - it's beautiful, original, unconventional and kind of weird. Only one problem - in Ireland, Topaz is the name of a petrol station chain! Anyway, it doesn't put me off the name. With the exception of Ruby, Topaz is the only gemstone name that I like. I find Crystal, Jade and Amber really common and overused. Topaz sounds so different from them. It has an unconventional glamour. I love this name. It sounds spunky and unique, and it still has character and history behind it.
No. Just no. I mean, it sounds pretty in theory, but could you imagine meeting a new person and having to say, "Oh hey, my name is Topaz." Seriously. Just think about it.
This name sounds cool, but I can't get past the association with the Japanese relocation camps in western America during the Second World War.
I don't even particularly like this name on the rock. Though "Toe" would be a fun nickname to have. No, really, it's adorable. X3
A topaz is a beautiful gem which contains a beautiful yellow color and can also be, in certain conditions, blue, colorless, brown, pink, or red. This would also make a beautiful name for a girl, in my opinion, and would age better than most gemstone names.
This name is very pretty and exotic. I would definitely name my daughter this.
It doesn't roll off the tongue very well at all. Why would you name your kid after a yellow rock? Too strange for my taste.
Ugly and foreign-sounding. I don't think this name is one bit feminine.
The topaz represents loyalty. It's also a gorgeous color!

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